
作者: 果大喵喵 | 来源:发表于2018-12-04 03:40 被阅读0次

#Being honest (解放思想,实事求是)

1. Seek objective info and evidences, not seek reasons to support own opinions

2. Don't underestimate yourself, the human mind is a veritable opinion factory; most people have an abundance of opinions to share at every moment. (not only women..)

3. There is a natural risk: we more tend to remember our own opinions, and forget the process by which we got them. Thus we can't trace if opinions based on anything substantial: many opinions was just presented without being evaluated.

4. Self-deception: we all tempted to be self-deception in all situations. But more important, we commit, we fight, we resist and we know the value of resisting that temptation.

5. Review the "evidences", especially those "obvious" ones. Check the quality and quantity of evidences before form them to our opinion. Don't just tempt to compensate for those "confidence" that comes from: "I know what I am talking about".

6. Being honest = I don't know.

under the line is I still have shinny bright sun in this cloudy windy day.

Are you there,

have you ever been..

The Fighting Temeraire


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