项目制学习及未来的趋势 PBL & it's future

项目制学习及未来的趋势 PBL & it's future

作者: NicholasTan尼克 | 来源:发表于2018-05-01 14:17 被阅读0次

过去的几篇文章我分享了我对于未来工作、教育变革趋势以及“素养”“能力”的理解。今天我想跟大家一起探讨一个最近很火的概念——PBL(Project-based Learning项目制学习) Okay so in my last few posts, I’ve talked about the future of jobs, education & competencies. Now, let’s delve into defining what this looks like in changing classrooms at a local level. Starting from the basics today, what’s our understanding of PBL and how it’s suppose to be one of the 21st century learning pedagogies. As indicated by the UNESCO’s report, it’s critical to develop a system for the next generation to best prepare them for each student’s employability which is the initial point of developing PBL. The logic behind PBL is thus to develop authentic real world learning through projects (not just by creating final projects) by going through deep inquiry of the issue and reflecting upon it’s learning. Just like you would in working at company or organization’s projects, we simulate student learning in teams and getting them to inquire, research, collaborate & create lasting solutions to approach complex problems in a real world setting. That’s the whole point of PBL.

PBL中的三个”P”: Problem问题- Project项目- Phenomenon现象

As I observe the patterns of PBL, I’ve come to a conclusion that there’re strands of evolution in PBL that are emerging over the past few decades. The evolution of PBL started with the general introduction of problem based learning as the base of understanding topics (usually academic) of different subject matter. The point being that problems are meant for simple analysis and usually individual learning. As the system of problem based learning started to take place across schools in North America, educators started to take things further by instilling projects as a way of learning by adding in elements such as teamwork, interdisciplinary, complex analysis (& sustained inquiry) & finally deeper reflection. This took it to the next level of thinking as educators started to design courses to implement learning through a systemize project approach (reflecting that of real world work projects) that required interdisciplinary input. Finally in 2015, Finland decided to launch PhenoBL (known as Phenomenon based learning) to define holistic real world themes such as human, European union, media & technology, water or energy replacing the traditional ways students learn subjects. The purpose of that is to incorporate constructivism into the way of learning & getting students to study holistically form different points of views rather than the traditional one which the teacher defines. This gets students to understand how the world works and challenges the assumptions at the core root of each phenomenon. Hence, the evolution from simple problems to phenomenons are my understanding of the direction PBL is taking in order to reach deeper learning.


Another trend in the evolution of PBL was mentioned by Yong Zhao (one of US top Chinese ed research & innovators) who discusses the idea of the entrepreneurial model of PBL in his latest book World Class Learners. In his book, he advocates that students should start taking on roles as entrepreneurs to tackle their projects and create viable solutions to solve essential needs of society (whether in business, engineering or various forms of innovative approaches). He also emphasizes the needs for students to take active learning in a global approach by working in cross cultural teams and building up their perspective through other’s lens in understanding diverse ways of thinking. This is ever so crucial and also done well by the Think Global School (the first traveling IB high school that brings students to the global stage of learning through PBL). My thoughts are all the approaches mention above fit the trends of the future of jobs & society in creating students to become active participants in problem solving the necessary changes in society in the coming decades. That’s all folks, until next time.



For the UNESCO report on 21st century pedagogy, please see:http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002431/243126e.pdf Do also, check out Phenomenon based learning from Finland’s official site at:http://www.phenomenaleducation.info/phenomenon-based-learning.html& this piece by Tatyana Zhukov:https://teach.noodle.com/phenomenon-based-learning-what-is-pbl  Check out Think Global School over here:https://thinkglobalschool.org 



      本文标题:项目制学习及未来的趋势 PBL & it's future
