情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英

作者: 虔之驴 | 来源:发表于2018-02-13 11:34 被阅读0次
情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)




"And God sees that it was good." That was the world in the beginning of Creation.

But dear God, why there are so many regrets and imperfections in this world? Why a beautiful story cannot have a happy ending? Why those in love cannot end up together?

This is a fallen world.  Happiness is like walking on thin ice. You cannot fly across the ocean with the wings of a butterfly.  Southern flowers bloomed in summer cannot survive the harsh winter of the north.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)

这是一种怎样的心痛。回想起当时一起走过的路,一起读过的书,一起幻想过的未来,忐忑又甜蜜的期待,温馨的点点滴滴,一个人走着都会不自觉地傻笑出来…即使那时心里的温度渐渐冷掉了, 走过的路渐渐陌生了,不停的计划憧憬着未来的感觉渐渐陌生了,心痛却仍旧如此真实而直接。



What a heartache it is! Especially when you think of the places you had been together, the books you read together, and the future you dreamed about together. Life was full of sweet little hopes, unsettling long waits, and heart-warming moments that gave you foolish giggles at night. Even as those memories drift afar and those feelings fade away, the heartache is so real and hurts as hell.

You once told me how much you loved my crazy wild laughs. But now, I don't know how to laugh any more.

Even when you are certain that you have gotten over it, the scar is still deep in your heart, and those familiar heartaches still strike you at moments that you least expect.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)



“她是我此生唯一所爱所想所求。她被别人夺走了,七大王国也弥补不了她留下的遗憾和虚空。” 七国之王的宝座,权利的巅峰,一生的荣华,没有了一生挚爱莱安娜,都变得那么苍白,那么虚空。

The memories of your time together felt like a dream, except you had to wake up from it. In Game of Thrones, Daenerys met her dead husband Khal Drogo and their son in the House of Undying. Drogo told her, "The moon of my life! If this is a dream, I'm going to kill whoever wakes me from it!"

And this is what King Roberts said about his dead fiancée Lyanna Stark:

“She’s the only thing I ever wanted in my life. Someone took her from me, and the Seven Kingsoms couldn’t fill the hole she left behind. ” The throne of Seven Kingdoms, the greatest of all powers, and a lifetime of honor and glory, were all so pale and meaningless, in the absence of his beautiful and beloved Lyanna.



Philosophers claim that there are two tragedies in life: not getting what you want, and getting them. There are also two great delights in life: not getting what you want, so that you can seek and create; and getting what you want, so that you can savor and experience.

The most memorable things in life are those we no longer own.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)


Break-ups at our youth did not hurt as much. When I was younger, I told myself not to fixate my eyes on that one single tree when there was an entire forest in front of me, waiting to be explored. In addition, I was yet to start college and had to work hard to build up a future that I wanted. Love was not a priority in comparison. Yet now, college, graduation, job, promotion, new jobs, you name it, I have been through them all. Then I realize that I want nothing more than a warm and cozy home to return to at night. Sadly, after walking through many forests after many years, I never found another tree that took my breath away like the one I saw in my youth.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)

被分手被抛弃,终归是一种拒绝。我不禁地疑问,是不是自己真的不够好?其实哪里是这样 ,自己再完美,也无法赢得一颗不想要你的心。而想要你的那颗心,就连你的不完美都是可爱的。感情是双方的事情,付出真心未必会换来真心的回应。感情就是这样无法分析无法推理无法定论无法掌控。没有感觉,终究没有感觉,再多的爱又能怎样。我们无法选择自己会爱上谁。


Break up is a form of rejection, at the end of the day. I couldn’t help asking myself, am I not good enough to deserve him? This is an illusion. If someone doesn’t want you, he/she will always not want you no matter how perfect you are. But when someone wants you, your imperfections do not matter. It takes two to tango. You don’t always get back what you gave. This is love. It’s beyond logic, analysis, interpretation, deduction, theorization, experimentation and manipulation. The heart wants what it wants. We don’t choose whom we love.

Meeting the right one is the hardest thing on the earth, isn’t it? No matter how much we do and how hard we try, we just have so little control over it! Yes, we don’t choose whom we love, nor who loves us.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)



You don’t always get back the love you lavished. God knows it better than anyone. He gave His only son to save men, yet men ignore Him.

Your sacrifice and devotion are not always appreciated. Jesus knows it better than anyone. He sacrificed his life as atonement for men, yet men reject him.




But, dear God, I have no regrets of my past decisions, nor do I regret meeting that person. If I can’t have it all, I can at least try to remember it all. I am grateful for this beautiful memory buried in the wind.

The most beautiful summer in my life is the one in which I met you.

If I ever see you again in my dreams, I wish I never have to wake up from it.

情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英双语)




Your beloved is gone, but your Heaven remains.

Whatever you had sacrificed and undergone, the Lord knows it.

Even in floods and storms, the Lord is in control.

亲爱的上帝,求你给我微笑的动力,和面对未知的勇气。世界就是这样,付出真心未必得到回应, 你比任何人都更加懂得 。求你赐我笑着活下去的理由,赐我相信未来的信心,因为你来,是要让我们得生命,并且得的更丰盛。

Dear God, please help me smile again, and give me courage to face the unknowns in the future. In this fallen world, we don’t always get back the love what we gave, and you know it better than anyone. Please help me face it all with optimism without losing hope for the future. Because you came so that we can have life, and have it abundantly.



    本文标题:情人劫,写给失恋的人 A Broken Valentine(中英
