
作者: 暗香心怡 | 来源:发表于2018-08-09 17:36 被阅读21次







    Standard Life Aberdeen profits drop as outflows continue Share buyback programme accelerated even as £16.6bn flow out of the business Standard Life Aberdeen has recorded further outflows and a drop in first-half pre-tax profits, but the Scottish fund manager cheered investors after it said it would accelerate its buyback programme. Just under 12 months after the completion of the £11bn merger between Standard Life and Aberdeen Asset Management, the combined group has continued to leak assets, with £16.6bn flowing out of the business. Both groups had come together to halt redemptions, but their flagship products continue to lose business. Yet shares in the company rose nearly 4 per cent by midday on Tuesday to 318p in London as investors welcomed news that SLA would bring forward its buyback scheme and return £175m to them within “the next few days”. “We have a long and proud track record of reshaping our business and balance sheet, and returning capital to our shareholders,” said Keith Skeoch, co-chief executive of SLA. “We intend to continue with that tradition. ”SLA’s assets under management stand at £610bn, down from £626bn a year earlier. Its adjusted pre-tax profits for the first six months of the year fell to £478m, from £521m for the same period last year. The company raised its dividend by 4.3 per cent to 7.3p.Fund managers have been hit by volatile markets and rising interest rates this year, with investors becoming more risk averse. Active managers such as SLA have also suffered from the moves by customers into cheaper passive funds. “With so much having happened in the last year and [this] year, the interim results from Standard Life Aberdeen were never likely to be free of complication, and they are not,” said Rae Maile, an analyst at Cenkos Securities. SLA announced in February that it would sell its legacy insurance business to Phoenix Group in the third quarter of this year. As part of the deal, the fund manager said it would return a total of £1.75bn to shareholders. SLA was one of worst-selling fund managers globally in the first half of the year. Its Gars fund, once Europe’s largest, had the second biggest outflows among all European products over the same period. The company’s shares are down more than 30 per cent since January, with SLA having lost a £109bn mandate to manage money for Lloyds Banking Group customers. Martin Gilbert, co-chief executive at SLA, told the Financial Times that the company had not given up hope that it could retain the Lloyds business, but that would be determined through an arbitration process. “We are planning for the worst and hoping for the best,” he said. The company was boosted on Monday when its joint venture in India, HDFC Asset Management Company, hit a premium of 65 per cent on its first day of trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange.SLA held 38 per cent of the company and sold 8 per cent in the listing. The sale would have brought in just over £200m, with the rest of its holding worth £1.3bn, according to David McCann, an analyst at Numis.“The market is materially undervaluing SLA and we believe it offers a significant value opportunity to patient investors, noting that the catalysts may not be short term,” he said.SLA plans to sell a further 5 per cent of the Indian business in two years and Mr Skeoch said the remaining holding gave the business “strategic options” if it chose to divest.

    因基金持续被赎回 标准人寿安本集团利润下滑


           标准人寿安本集团2018年上半年管理规模持续缩水,税前利润也相应下降。然而这家苏格兰基金公司却表示即将加速回购股票,投资者因此欢呼雀跃。去年标准人寿斥资110亿英镑收购安本资产管理集团。在不到一年的时间里,标准人寿安本集团产品持续被赎回,累计赎回量达166亿欧元。尽管双方共同努力扭转这一局面,但其旗舰产品仍在被赎回。 投资者对于标准人寿安本集团将于近期回购1.75亿英镑股票的消息非常高兴。公司股票在8月7日午间上涨4%至318p,其联合CEO Keith Skeoch说到:“长期以来我们在业务重组、改善资产负债表和回报股东方面的表现都令人满意。我们将再接再厉。”  标准人寿安本集团的资产管理规模由一年前的6260亿英镑降到目前的6100亿英镑。2018年上半年调整后的税前利润由去年同期的5.21亿英镑降至4.78亿英镑。标准人寿安本集团还将每股分红由4.3%提高至7.3%。 2018年因市场波动和利率上升,投资者对风险愈加厌恶,基金管理人都遭受重创。作为一家主动管理型基金公司,标准人寿安本集团和其他主动管理类公司一样,因投资者转向费用较低的被动型基金而遭受损失。据Cenkos证券的分析师Rae Maile,这两年市场黑天鹅不断,标准人寿安本集团暂时不可能独善其身,它也确实没能全身而退。

             2018年2月,标准人寿安本集团宣布在2018年3季度将把旗下的遗产保险业务出售给凤凰集团,然后将该笔交易所得的17.5亿英镑分给股东。 2018年上半年,标准人寿安本集团是全球基金销量最差的基金公司之一。它旗下的Gars基金曾是欧洲规模最大的基金,2018年上半年成了欧洲所有产品中同期赎回量第二大产品。

           随着劳埃德银行从标准人寿安本集团撤回1090亿英镑的委托资产,标准人寿安本集团股价从一月起已下跌超30%。其联合CEO Martin Gilbert告诉金融时报记者,标准人寿安本集团没有放弃劳埃德银行的业务,但最终结果取决于仲裁。他说:“我们将满怀最好的期待做最坏的打算。” 因其在印度的合资公司HDFC资产管理公司在孟买证券交易所周一进行首次交易时股票溢价65%,标准人寿安本集团的股票也得到提振。标准人寿安本集团持有该合资公司38%的股份,在此次交易中出售了8%的股份。 据Numis公司的分析师David McCann预计,此次出售的股份合计应为2亿英镑,剩余股份对应的金额为13亿英镑。David McCann说到:“标准人寿安本集团现在被市场严重低估,我们认为对长期投资者而言,现在是一个很好的价值投资机会,但短期内应该不会有转机。”标准人寿安本集团还计划两年内出售其持有该公司5%的股份。至于剩余股份,如果出售的话,将作为一种“战略期权”。



