halcyon \'hælsɪən\ adj.
(1) Calm and peaful.
(2) Happy and successful.
It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.
a far cry from... 相距甚远; 与......有很大的差异
For the Greeks, the halcyon was a bird (probably the kingfisher) that was believed to nest on the Mediterranean Sea around the beginning of winter, and had the power to quiet the rough December waters around the Sicily for about two weeks—the "halcyon days."Thus the adjective halcyon came to mean calm and serene.Today people especially use it to describe a golden time in the past.
(1)kingfisher n. 翠鸟
词源:缩写自king's fisher(king,君王;fisher,渔夫),我将其理解为“御用渔夫”,体现了翠鸟捕鱼技术之高。
(2)nest on 筑巢
(3)Mediterranean Sea 地中海(Mediterranean \ˌmɛdətəˈreɪniən\)
(3)Sicily 西西里岛
(4)halcyon days: a very happy or successful period in the past.
(5)serene \sə'rin\ adj.
a. not agitated(激动的); without losing self-possession(沉着).
" a serene expression on her face"
b. completely clear and fine 晴朗的
"serene skies and a bright blue sea"
all serene [俚语] 太平无事; 没有毛病; 很好,行; 我同意