

作者: 阎先生 | 来源:发表于2017-05-11 14:36 被阅读4809次

Your off-hours pursuit brings you up to an admiring life height
(What you are doing after work determines your life height).

If a person can stick to a beneficial matter by making use of the spare time after work, it will pay off or he will be rewarded for his efforts sooner or later. You are green with envy in seeing others keep fit, get somewhere or earn huge money with ease, but anyhow you didn’t see the painstaking efforts made by them, and god knows how long they have stuck to it.

In the first few years of our early career, we were not in a position to choose a well-content job. Some young people lack the anchoring force and are wild about job-hopping while being a little frustrated at work, or blindly change to another line of work. I think it quite irrational or inadvisable. There are other people who are confused about the career prospect, not knowing how to keep at it with greater efforts, so they just become a couch potato, watching the 8 P.M. soap operas after work, or brushing WeChat Circle of Friends to idle away the spare time.

It is better to start from now to tentatively devote the spare time to a small matter. As we know, no one was cut out for a successful life or born to be successful, nor can his career be plain sailing as expected. No matter how bright and successful a person is, he should start small and keep doing it day in and day out. The bright prospect you can see is actually countless nights of sweat and industrious labor.


You see others easily be promoted to a higher position with happy feelings, a promising career and a joyous family, but your efforts don’t pay off totally out of your expectation. Actually it is not a case as you imagine because you didn’t notice where they oriented their spare time towards. You called it a day after work but they endeavored to set about another life struggle.

It is better to settle for networking than stand by the pond coveting for fish. Where you can use your time can prove what a person you are like. What you are doing after work and how to use your spare time can determine your future life height.





  • yellowbaby1991:完了,下班都只会撸游戏,是不是已经注定下水道了
  • hep1:我都在看各种各样的帖子:sweat:
  • 小兄弟:感谢分享
  • 呆子Y默:希望现在不晚:blush:
  • 小江_534a:物欲的横行才引来这么多困惑。
  • 阿小甲:看小说,看电影,听歌,一直这样
  • 大周同学666:下班后学习HTML 5
    大周同学666: @无心机girl 问度娘吧
    无心机girl:@云里雾里不忘本心 是什么
  • STF_ZHANG:下班葛优躺占多少?
    najc: @STF_ZHANG 我也葛优躺上班
    9d0558ce5b3c: @STF_ZHANG 上班葛优躺ing
  • pingko:下班后就是看剧聊天 怪不得我到现在还没怎么进步
  • keueng:写的好,不过It is better to settle for networking than stand by the pond coveting for fish歪果仁真看得懂么
  • Ian丶:为什么非要把自己逼的这么狠,下班玩玩不好吗
    水木诗情:@扯淡丶 这就是人与人之区别,作者不忍说什么,因此只是温婉回复是角度不同。任何做的比别人更好的人,他们就是这么逼自己了。当然,每种生活方式,是每个人的选择,只要不犯法,无可厚非,追求不同,有的人追求自己吃饱,全家不饿,有的人则想让自己奋斗的好一些,为家人的生活创造更好的条件。
    雨影:@扯淡丶 看每个人的追求了,有的人喜欢平淡,有的人喜欢做人上人。
  • 桜花物語:写的好棒,临渊羡鱼不如退而结网
  • 70ed1a307678:阎老师好
    阎先生:@70ed1a307678 谢谢关注!
  • 哈哈hlm:英文不错
    阎先生:@哈哈hlm 谢谢关注!
  • 莫琴晓晓:每个人在努力时候的样子,会心满意足,信心也更充足
  • 满洪存:你下班后就是码字吗,这样的奋斗方式
    8c741af93b30: @满洪存 没法交流
    满洪存: @杨小昊 你觉得玩游戏和看电视剧是闲着吗
    8c741af93b30: @满洪存 码字也比闲着强啊
  • 练习本_0daa:你下班后干么
    练习本_0daa:@小堯 :scream::scream::scream:有问题吗?
    b20de861d0f2: @练习本_0daa 你太污了

