Day 44:Englishpod (Small Talk)

作者: 哇咔咔Carla | 来源:发表于2020-07-03 15:05 被阅读0次

    Hey, guys,

    I am Carla.


    civic: 指“城镇的,市政的”

    civil:指“公民的”,如:civil rights 民权

    civilian:指”平民的,百姓的“,如civilian industry

    civilized:指”文明的,开化的“,如civilized way of life文明的生活方式


    A: Morning.

    B: Hi there Mr. Anderson! How are you on this fine


    A: Fine, thank you.

    B: It sure is cold this morning, isn’t it? I barely even get

    out of bed!

    A: Yeah. It’s pretty cold, alright.

    B: Did you catch the news this morning? I heard that there

    was a fire on Byron Street.

    A: No, I didn’t hear about that.

    B: Did you happen to watch the football game last night?

    The Patriots scored in the last minute!

    A: No, I don’t like football.

    B: Oh. . . By the way, I saw you with your daughter at the

    office Christmas party. She is really beautiful!

    A: She’s my wife! Oh, here’s my floor! Nice talking to

    you. Goodbye.

    B: Sir this is the 56th floor! We are on the 70th!

    A: That’s okay, I’ll take the stairs!

    Next part is 重点单词,句型讲解

    1.barely 仅仅,几乎不


    He barely passed the exam.  他差点没能通过考试。( 但还是勉强通过了)

    He hardly passed the exam.他几乎不能通过考试。(否定成分更重一些.表示这种困难程度超出了他的能力极限。)

    所以,barely 侧重于“仅仅,勉强”;hardly 侧重于“困难”, 接近最低限度,差不多没有多余。

    2.Here’s my floor.我到了

    当你坐电梯时,你到了相应的楼层,要出去时,你就可以向别人表达:here's my floor.

    3.take the stairs  走楼梯 (可不是walk the stairs)

    I always take the stairs at work – it’s little things like that that keep us fit. 




    我想跟大家分享我的好消息,我放假啦啦,今天是本学期上课的最后一天,o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ你们放假了吗,祝大家暑假快乐哦😘❤

    Thanks for your reading.



        本文标题:Day 44:Englishpod (Small Talk)
