《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第22

《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第22

作者: 苏耀勇 | 来源:发表于2019-01-15 20:08 被阅读2次


我在第50街下了车,直奔码头。汤姆认识一些人,对吗?我也认识这些人。米基·鲍尔斯(Mickey Bowers)自己曾经是一个银行抢劫犯,曾经在特伦顿(Trenton)做过一段工作。我认识他的兄弟哈罗德( Harold),还认识他的拍档约翰尼·奥基夫(Johnny O’Keefe),他的姐夫阿蒂·麦克莱伦(Artie McClellan),还有其他人。阿蒂(Artie)为米基工作了很长时间,为高利贷做账目。


嗯,某种角度程度上,汤姆的工作或多或少很清闲。他实际上不需要做任何事情,但是他名字在工资单上,经常还会有加班之类的事情。关于克林(Kling),米基·鲍尔斯(Mickey Bowers)脑海里有个想法:遇到麻烦时克林(Kling)是个好人。


首先我需要一些衣服和钱。没有多久,汤姆出去了,然后抱着满手的衣服回来了,还有米基·鲍尔斯和约翰尼·奥基夫(Mickey Bowers and Johnny O’Keefe)给的400-500美元。就像我说过的,我对这些人非常了解。




在布鲁克林的乔拉莱蒙(Joralemon)街上有个招聘事务所,在我以前的社区旁边,由一个天主教慈善机构运作。这是个能够提供广泛就业机会的著名机构。面试我的人告诉我在斯塔顿( Staten)岛上有个地方叫殖民地农场,他说那是穷人的天堂。

在他打电话确认是否有空位前,他警告我在斯塔顿( Staten)岛上,那里离圣乔治这样的大地方不近。它在新斯普林维尔,在岛中心。"差不多在乡下,"他说。

当然,这对我绝对是完美的。不管怎样,我从未从其他人那听说过关于斯塔顿( Staten)岛。我在河的这边长大,虽然只是隔了个渡船,我一辈子都没有坐过这个渡船。对于我来说,斯塔顿( Staten)岛就是另一个世界。


He looked at me the way you’d expect somebody to look at a guy wearing a little jacket and a baseball cap, and reached into his pocket and handed me a quarter.

I got off at Fiftieth Street and cut across to the docks. Tommy knew some people, see? I knew these people too. Mickey Bowers was a former bank robber himself, and he had done time in Trenton. I knew his brother Harold, and I knew his partner, Johnny O’Keefe, and I knew his brother-in-law, Artie McClellan, even better. Artie had worked for Mickey quite a while, taking the numbers and doing a little shylocking on the side.

Tommy was working on one of the luxury piers. I walked in and I asked, “Is Kling around?” And they said, “Yeah, he’s up on the roof sunning himself.”

Well, in a way he was. Tommy had more or less of a sinecure there. He didn’t actually do any work, but he was on the payroll and he used to be put down for overtime and all of that stuff. Where Kling was concerned, Mickey Bowers had one thing in mind: that Kling was a good man to have around in case of trouble.

When Tommy saw me he nearly fell off the pier. Immediately he grabbed his coat and took me down to his place on Forty-fourth Street. Naturally, we stopped to pick up all the newspapers on the way so that I could read all the accounts of this fabulous escape.

The first things I needed were some clothes and some money. No sooner said than done. Tommy went out and came back with his arms full of clothes, and also with four or five hundred dollars from Mickey Bowers and Johnny O’Keefe. Like I said, I knew these people all my life.

Mickey had sent word back that he wanted me to come up to his home in Westchester and hide out for as long as I wanted. He had a fabulous place up there, Tommy told me. An estate. This guy was making all kinds of money on the rackets.

That was something to think about. I couldn’t go out on the streets, I couldn’t rent an apartment, and I certainly couldn’t continue to live with Tommy for more than a week. They would be checking very carefully into all my past friendships and associations, and sooner or later they would be getting around to him.

The way I saw it, I was going to have to find someplace away from anything or anybody who could remotely be connected with me. Just disappear completely for about a month. The best solution, I finally decided, was to get a job in a hospital or someplace like that, the kind of menial job that provided full maintenance as part of the salary.

There was an employment agency over on Joralemon Street in Brooklyn, just below my old neighborhood, which was operated by the Catholic charities. A well-known agency with a wide range of employment. The man who interviewed me told me that he had a place in Staten Island called the Farm Colony, which he described as a home for indigent people. Before he called to find out if they had an opening he wanted to warn me that it wasn’t near St. George or any of the big places on Staten Island. It was in New Springville, out in the middle of the island. “More or less out in the country,” he said.

Absolutely perfect for me, of course. And anyway, I didn’t know one part of Staten Island from the other. I had been brought up just across the river, a ferry ride away, but I had never taken that ferry ride in my life. To me, Staten Island was a world apart.



    本文标题:《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第22
