I want to try wirte something in other language which are the two important languages I 'm learning now.
首次用英语日文日常打卡签到With two reasons,
One reason is that I ever saw one writer talked that it would be more easy and less trouble to wirte artical from his autobiographical novel.So I also want to try.
The other reason that tonight I am seem not to write anything.And then I intend to practise my english.Language should be really applied to practical action.
But now I have not anything to write .
Any how I still wish to share a few words.
No.1:Be grateful for what you have and look forward to what' coming.(感激拥有的,期待将至的。)
No.2:Please believe,everyone has a special skill.Please believe,everyone will shine their own lights.(请相信,每个人都身怀绝技,请相信,每个人都会发出属于自己的光芒。)
Last but not least,I am desirous to say good night!