雅思口语Part2人物类题型解析 —有名的运动员

雅思口语Part2人物类题型解析 —有名的运动员

作者: 写给小披风的一封信 | 来源:发表于2018-07-12 17:45 被阅读4次

雅思口语Part2的部分,是大部分考生的难关。尽管题目已经给出提纲,但是 一个议题说多少够两分钟,如何说能够两分钟,是很让人头疼的。

很多考生都会按部就班的回答提纲给出的问题,而每个问题也只给一个简明扼要的回答,这种方式在Part1 中当然是最稳妥的。 但是在Part2中,就非常的不足。  Part2 是重点的拿分部分,也是展示语言实力的关键部分,每一个问题不仅要回答,还要回答的细致,细节性的描述是非常关键的。 今天就用一个例子来进行说明吧。 

(个人私心,正当世界杯,就来聊聊我最喜欢的球星。 )

雅思口语Part2人物类题型解析 —有名的运动员


Describe a famous athlete you know.

You shoul say:

Who he or she is?

How you know him or her?

What he or she has achieved?

Why he is famous?

The athlete I admire is David Beckham, one of the most famous football palyers in the world.

I began to know him at 2003 when he started to play for Real Madrid. At the same time, he was the teamleader of England.

He is known for his range of passing, crossing ability and bending free-kicks as a right-winger. As captain of the English national team and an influential player at Manchester United, Beckham led through example and was renowned for covering some of the highest average distances per match in the premier league and ininternational football, thereby motivating his teammates to follow suit. His work-ethic and diligence particularly elevated Beckham's statue among England fans, the media and teammates when he scored a last-minute free kick aftercovering a mind-boggling 16.1 kilometers against Greece, leading his team toqualify for the 2002 World Cup.  Thereare four key characteristics of him may made him famous: profession skills,passion,fairness and consistency. David isn’t good only in his field, but also did lots of things outsied the football field. David Beckham's career as a footballer and an ambassador for his country and his sport, as highlighted above, brought forth these traits in a way few other athletes have managed to.


1. 一般谈论到某人的时候,都会有这个人是谁,你怎么认识这个人的。 这两个问题不必回答的很罗嗦,但是一定要注意表达一些细节。 比如: Who he is?  若是只说一句: He is a famous football player.  会显得苍白无力。而给此人加上前后的叙述,则会显得丰满许多。如文中所示:

“The athlete I admire is David Beckham, one of the most famous football palyers in the world. ”


星的时候,是不是只是说好呢?  一定会说他的具体事件对不对? 如文中划线部分所示,着重表达细节,他的特长,他的事迹。为什么这个人我喜欢,而且大家都喜欢。

3. 在Part1 部分作答的时候,我们多数情况下是用简单句进行回答的。 但在Part2 的时候,要注意多使用从句, 使用一些短语,这样不仅可以增加答题的单词数,还可以使答案更有节奏感。

大家在准备Part2 部分的时候,一定要把自己的答案写下来,反复打磨。每次对照自己打磨好的答案,进行练习,才是非常有效果的。 不要觉得我只要看着题目,练一练说一说就可以的。  不下一番功夫,想在Part2 上拿高分,是非常难的。



    本文标题:雅思口语Part2人物类题型解析 —有名的运动员
