越南一男子酒精中毒超标1119倍 医生下令再注入15瓶啤酒“以毒

越南一男子酒精中毒超标1119倍 医生下令再注入15瓶啤酒“以毒

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2019-01-22 21:20 被阅读0次

    Doctors pump 15 cans of BEER into a patient to SAVE HIM from alcohol poisoning
    越南一男子酒精中毒超标1119倍 医生下令再注入15瓶啤酒“以毒攻毒”

    Doctors in Vietnam saved Nguyen Van Nhat life by pouring five litres of beer into his body at General Hospital in Quang Tri. The medics said they took the step in a desperate bid to slow down his liver’s processing of methanol. According to local media, Nhat was rushed to hospital unconscious and in a life-threatening state.Alcohol poisoning occurs when people consume too much alcohol in a short period of time.
    据英国《每日快报》网站1月17日的消息:越南广治区(Quang Tri)总医院的医生通过向Nguyen Van Nhat的身体注入5升啤酒拯救了酒精中毒患者的生命。医务人员表示,他们用这种方法,极力减缓了患者肝脏消化甲醇的速度。据当地媒体的报道,这名患者被紧急送往医院时,已失去意识并有生命危险。人们在短时间内过量饮酒时会出现酒精中毒。

    The patient was discharged from hospital after three weeks and is continuing to recover at home.|这名患者在三周后出院,目前仍在家中康复。

    Hans-Jörg Busch, an emergency physician at the University Medical Center Freiburg told the German Press Agency Der Spiegel: “The therapy with 15 cans of beer is rather unusual, but very understandable. Perhaps the Vietnamese colleagues had no other alcohol at hand.”

    Closer to home in the UK, new figures revealed by NHS England show that 300 people receive treatment for alcohol poisoning every day.

    When England played Sweden in the World Cup quarter final on July 7 last year a shocking 711 football fans were taken to hospital.

    Head of the Intensive Care Unit, Dr Le Van Lam, said one can of beer was given to Nhat each hour.
    重症监护室负责人Le Van Lam医生说,每小时就有一罐啤酒注射给这名患者。

    The 48-year-old passed out with a blood alcohol level which was shockingly 1,119 times higher than the recommended limit.

    The expert explained that the man became unconscious when the methanol in his system oxidised to formaldehyde which in turn produced formic acid.

    The doctors prevented oxidising formaldehyde to formic acid, giving beer to the methanol-poisoned patient gave medics enough time to perform dialysis.






        本文标题:越南一男子酒精中毒超标1119倍 医生下令再注入15瓶啤酒“以毒
