

作者: 微凉_Elena | 来源:发表于2019-01-31 23:27 被阅读20次

    A few days later, a visitor arrived in London from Oliver's home town. He was a large, fat man, and very proud of his hat, which showed the world that  he was a most important official.  It was, in fact, Mr Bumble the beadle, Oliver's old enemy.


    Mr Bumble had completed his business in the city, and had just finished a most satisfactory meal in a pub. He pulled up his chair to the fire, to enjoy his hot gin-and-water in comfort, and opened the newspaper. The first thing he saw was this notice:


    A reward of five pounds is offered for any information leading to the discovery of a young boy, Oliver Twist, who was kidnapped from his home in Pentonville last Thursday evening. I am also interesting in any information about his past.


    There was then a full description of Oliver's clothes and appearance, and Mr Brownlow's full address. Mr Bumble rubbed his eyes, read the notice again, and was at the address in less than ten minutes. He was shown into Mr Brownlow's study, where the old gentleman and his friend Mr Grimwig were sitting.


    'Do you know where the poor boy is now?' Mr Brownlow asked, when the beadle had explained the reason for his visit.


    Mr Bumble shook his head.


    'Do you know anything good about him?' asked Mr Grimwig, looking closely at Mr Bumble's face.


    Mr Bumble shook his head again, very seriously, and turned down the corners of his mouth.


    'Then tell us everything you know about him.' said Mr Brownlow impatiently.


    Mr Bumble put down his hat, unbottoned his coat, folded his arms, and sat back to his chair. He spoke in his most important and official voice, and talked for twenty minutes. His listeners heard all the details of Oliver's illegitimate birth, and how generously he had been treated as a workhouse orphan. They heard how he had always been an ungrateful and dangerous child, violently attacking another boy, and finally running away from the house where he had been working.


    The old gentleman shook his head sadly and gave Mr Bumble the five pounds. 'I would have been happy to give you three times the amount - if your story had proved that the boy was good.'


    If Mr Bumble had known this earlier, he might have told a different story, but now it was too late. So he took the money and left.


    Mr Brownlow walked up and down his  room for several minutes, deep in thought. He rang the bell for Mrs Bedwin, his housekeeper, and told her what he had heard.


    'I don't believe it,' she said, with great certainty.


    'I was right,' said Mr Grimwig with satisfaction. 'You should have listened to what i said.'


    Mr Brownlow said angrily, 'Never let me hear the boy's name again. Never. Remember that, Mrs Bedwin.'


    There was sad hearts at Mr Brownlow's house that night.


    Meanwhile, in another part of London, Oliver remained a prisoner. Fagin had told Oliver how ungrateful he had been to run away. He had told him that he would have died of hungry without Fagin's kindness. He went on to tell Oliver the story of another young boy, who had gone to the police to tell them about gang, but who had finally been hanged one morning for being a thief. Fagin described the hanging in terrifying detail, and said that he hoped  he would never have to tell the police about Oliver - and see Oliver with a rope around his neck. Oliver felt his blood turn cold.


    He remained locked in a room for many days, seeing nobody between early morning and midnight. He spent his time thinking sadly about his friends in Pentonville. After a week he was free to wander around the house during the day. It was a dirty place, full of rats and insects but on other living thing. All the windows were closed, and covered with wood and metal bars that kept out the light.


    One afternoon the Dodger and Charley Bates were at home and they started telling Oliver about their lives as thieves.


    'Why don't you become one?' Charley asked him. 'We are all here - both of us, and Fagin, Sikes, Nancy...all of us.'


    'I don't want to be,' replied Oliver. 'I wish they'd let me go.'


    'But it's a good life,' the Dodger said, taking some coins from his pocket and throwing them up in the air. 'What does it matter where the money comes from?' he said laughing. 'If you don't  steal it, someone else will. You can be sure of that.'










