作者: 吴和平vip | 来源:发表于2019-06-13 21:52 被阅读51次

    Many years ago there was a king who was very bad-tempered. Every one was afraid of him. The king was bad-tempered because he was often ill. He was often ill because he ate and drank too much.

    "I'm always ill," the king told his doctor."Why can't you cure me?"

    The doctor did not dare to tell the king the reason. He knew this would make the king very angry. "I've given you the best medicine. Your Majesty," he said. "I've done my best."

    "Your medicine makes me worse," the king said. "You must cure me before the end of the month or I shall put you in prison. You're trying to poison me."

    "Perhaps your food is making you ill," the doctor said.What the docter really wanted to say was:"You eat too much."

    "Nonsense," the king shouted. "My cook is the best cook in the world. It is all because you're a fool that I'm often ill. You do not know how to cure me. I pay you to make me well, but what happens? I have a stomachache and a headache every day. Now go and study your books. Find a cure for my disease or..."

    "Yes, yes, Your Majesty," the doctor said and went to his room. He made a lot of medicine but none of it could cure the king.

    At last there was only thee days before the end of the month. The doctor went into the forest, where he wanted to see a wise old monk and ask him for advice.

    The wise old monk listened carefully to the doctor's story. Then he said, "I understand your problem, doctor. You cannot tell the king the truth. He will throw you into prison if you do. You must let the king find out for himself why he is always ill."

    "How can I do that?" the doctor said.

    "I have a plan," the old monk said. "Can you get me an invitation to the breakfast at the palace?"

    "Yes, I can do that easily," the doctor answered.

    The next morning the monk arrived at the palace. He looked very fat because he has cushions under his robe. And he seemed to enjoy the food very much.

    "I like a man who can eat a lot," the king said.

    A few minutes after the meal the monk suddenly fell to the floor.

    "Oh, oh!" he cried. "My stomach! My head! Oh, oh!"

    "Do you have a stomachache and headache, too?" the king asked.

    "Always, Your Majesty," the old monk said, and he walked painfully out of the room.

    On the last day of the month the old monk came to the palace again. He looked thin and healthy.

    "You look well," the king said. "Come and eat with me."

    "No, thank you, "the old monk said. "I eat only one meal a day. I saw your doctor. He is a very clever man and he told me that I ate and drank too much. He was right. Now I do not eat as much as before and I am healthy. I no longer have pains in my stomach or head."

    "That is very interesting," the king said. "I'll eat and drink less, too. Perhaps it will cure me."

    And of course, it did.

    来自1986版高中英语课文,小时候学过,特此温故知新,特别是这一句“You cannot tell the king the truth. He will throw you into prison if you do. You must let the king find out for himself why he is always ill."”,经典吧?



        本文标题:THE KING'S DISEASE
