1 你之前想问我什么?
What did you wanna ask me?
2 你有过和恋人同居的经验。
Well, you have lived with your significant other for some time.
3 我希望这次实验可以顺利进行。
I would like this experiment to go well.
4 你有什么好的建议吗?
But, are there any insights you can share?
5 最重要的一点,如果她的室友是个疯子,不要犹豫立刻把那室友扫地出门。
Well, the biggie is, if she has an insane roommate, kick him out as soon as possible.
6 在你出现之前,莱纳德和我可幸福了。
You know, Leonard and I were very happy before you came along.
7 虽然这是老生常谈了,但退一步真的会海阔天空。
I know it sounds like a cliché, but compromise is key.
8 不要把皮带留在地板上,在晚上看起来特别像蛇。
Never leave a belt on the floor, at night they look like snakes.
9 从小事做起,比如早上把咖啡送到她床上去。
Do little things, like bring her a cup of coffee in bed.
10 口袋里时刻备有巧克力豆,以防你们俩遇到排长队的时候。
Keep M&M'S in your pocket, in case you have to wait in a long line.
11 你们每天都要见很多次面,所以要尊重各自的私人空间。
You're gonna be seeing each other a lot, so respect each other's personal space.
12 他特别容易受惊吓,照相千万不要开闪光灯。
He startles easily, so please, no flash photography.