

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2020-07-21 22:00 被阅读0次


Firmly Uphold Multilateralism and Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind


– Written statement to the ECOSOC high-level conversation “Multilateralism after COVID-19: what kind of UN do we need at the 75th anniversary?”

国务委员兼外交部长 王毅

H.E. Wang Yi, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China


17 July 2020 




Secretary-General António Guterres,

Madam President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Seventy-five years ago, our fathers’ generation won the epic victory of the World anti-Fascist War following a heroic struggle. The ensuing decades witnessed the founding of the United Nations, countries working together to promote peace, development and human rights, and an inexorable trend toward multilateralism.

Over the past three quarters of a century, the UN has traversed a momentous journey. It has evolved into the most representative, authoritative and full-fledged cooperation platform, and the centerpiece of global governance and the international system. It has played an irreplaceable role and made indelible contributions to maintaining world peace and promoting sustainable development.


Seventy-five years on, our world has seen profound shifts, accentuated by the enormous impact of COVID-19. The myriad challenges before us have driven home the fact that this is an era of intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats as well as inter-connected interests of all countries, and our world is increasingly an indivisible community with a shared future.


What kind of UN do we need amid the once-in-a-century changes? This is a question requiring deep reflection by all. From China’s perspective, our times calls for:


– A United Nations that safeguards world peace and security, and fairness and justice. Peace is humanity’s eternal quest, and one of the core founding purposes of the UN. However, the dream of peace is yet to become reality. In 2019, ten conflicts left more than 20,000 civilians killed or injured in military attacks, and millions were displaced. The specter of the Cold War continues to haunt us, and the road to peace remains tortuous.

To live up to its mission of “saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war and untold sorrow”, the UN must speak and act impartially and hold high the banner of fairness and justice. The Security Council needs to deliver on its primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security.

The UN must stick to the three principles of peacekeeping, facilitate peaceful settlement of conflicts through dialogue, mediation, negotiation and other peaceful means, maintain strategic balance and stability, and push forward the international arms control and non-proliferation processes.

It must prioritize development as a route to peace, break the vicious circle of poverty, conflict and lack of development, and tackle root causes while addressing the symptoms. This is conducive to long-lasting peace, stability and security at the regional and international levels.


– A United Nations that advocates harmonious co-existence across different races, systems and cultures. With 193 member states, the UN is a family of more than seven billion people of over 2,000 ethnicities. No race, system or culture is superior to others. We do not subscribe to the idea of superiority of certain civilizations, even less the “clash of civilizations”.

The UN should be a voice for mutual respect, equality and harmonious co-existence, and for a world where diversity is appreciated, differences are respected, and the people of all countries can choose their social systems and development paths in light of their national realities.

It should reject the export of ideologies and interference in others’ internal affairs, and encourage exchanges and mutual learning. Good-faith dialogue will help bring down the wall of estrangement and misunderstanding, and enable common progress of all with openness and inclusiveness.




