
作者: KevinZucker | 来源:发表于2021-02-15 19:59 被阅读0次

    "Life is too tiring!" It's a phrase you often hear someone shout. In fact, life itself is not tired, it is just in accordance with the laws of nature, in accordance with its own laws in the operation. The man who says life is too tired is the man who lives too tired.Yeah, life is so full of stuff. Living in this world, you have to run for food, clothing, shelter, travel, have to deal with all kinds of things, have to get along with all kinds of people. But who can guarantee that you will come into contact with good things, you will meet people are modest and modest? Even if God is in your hands, I'm afraid not so lucky, let alone there is no almighty God? Therefore, life is bound to have one thing or another, happiness will have sorrow and luck will have unfortunate arrival. The same is true of people, there are gentlemen there are villains, there are noble people there are despicable. Everything is relative; otherwise how could life be life? Only a variety of things, a variety of people together, in order to constitute a colorful world, and only such a life is a taste.In life, in the face of all kinds of things that don't suit your mind, and with all kinds of people who don't match your character, what kind of attitude will you take? Is the attitude of calm, open-minded, relaxed towards life or cautious, afraid of the roof breaking the sky, walking afraid of stepping on ants? It is worth telling everyone that don't let yourself live in tension and depression for a long time, and don't let your strings stretch too tight, that is, don't live so tired. When necessary, relax yourself and live easily.

    Life is fair, after all, for everyone is the same, there is no absolute lucky man, no more thoroughly unlucky ghost, you have such misfortune, he has such trouble; Others have had such good chances, and you will have such good luck.



