the bookreview of the surrender

作者: ahamoment | 来源:发表于2016-10-03 20:30 被阅读0次

The book is finally finished today. I am so lucky to encounter on this book and attain from the author view that life spread its own flow beautifully If you do not have you could put your own preference aside and let go of your own resistance.

The author noticed a voice from his head while chatting with one friend. From then on he acquired the only way to get rid of the voice and stay deeply calm is to apply zen art and meditate As long As possible.

From the day he practiced meditation he is no longer clear about his planned life path. First he is no interested in getting his doctorate in economics. Then he made a wood house and moved in. With a series of letting go of himself he built construction company, programming companies, being mergered to greater and larger company and IPO progressed. Finally being investigated by FBI and after 6 years cleared out of all the charges and 2 books are published.

Noises appear now and then in our brain and heart.
We always want to control Our life, the truth is reversely instead of controlling life We become anxious and fearful for incapable of controlling.

The author believes universe has its own rhythem. By taking practice of meditation and yoga, letting go of ourselves We could hear the calling of What is next and By going through What life wants us to do and totally surrenderring to life We could get spiritual growth.

Not long ago I started yoga, I know yoga is beautiful and every time during practicing I faced and stayed with My fear and noise, pay attention to My air flow.

I need to practice more Until receiving divine intervention on who to embrace and where to go.


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