【教书匠阿伦-原创干货】- 托福听力 - 高频出题点

【教书匠阿伦-原创干货】- 托福听力 - 高频出题点

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-07-03 09:42 被阅读1次


    1. 利弊分析


    比如TPO 44听力考到了可再生能源利用的文章,教授开篇提出如今对海洋能源来产新能源,费用不高还节能环保,接着提出在入海口修建大坝能实现。学生接着提出如果泥摊受影响的话,海洋生物将会随之受牵连。接着教授说这只是大坝潜在的问题,但大坝也会减少潮汐。所以,对于此类文章,一定要明白其相关的结构,这样才可以在考试中游刃有余。

    TPO 44 Renewable energy sources:

    So when you proposed a construct a barrage, you have lots of issues to consider. For example, it would change the exciting water levels in the estuary, since a lot of water is getting held up by the barrage, the incoming tides won’t go as high, but they wouldn’t be as low during low tide either. This might help prevent flooding, but it would also affect the mud flats, those areas of mud that normally are exposed when the tide recedes.


    2. 专业名词


    TPO 46 Precious Blue Pigment:

    Anyway, not only was lapis lazuli hard to get, it was also hard to process. The recipe was difficult. The stone had to be ground finely, not easy to do with a rock, then mixed with melted wax, resins and oils, wrapped in a cloth and knitted like bread dough. The fine particles of ultramarine were then separated from the rest. The process was time-consuming, which also contributed to the high cost of producing ultramarine, and it didn't even yield much usable pigment.



    What two points does the professor make about the process of turning lapis lazuli into ultramarine? (Click on 2 answers.)

    It took a lot of time

    It required expensive tools

    It did not produce much pigment

    It was perfected by the French.

    教授以一个艺术家的作品开场,表达了这位艺术家创作的不易,因为他使用了大量的蓝色颜料,然后引出了蓝色颜料在那时是非常稀缺的,接着又继续进一步说明后来人们才开始找到方法人工合成这种颜料。因此多选题考到了天青石的两个属性:1. 难以加工,配方很难;2. 制作工艺费时。

    3. 原因、结果

    任何类型的lecture题目当中都有可能会考到此类问题。一般来讲,在托福听力中,表示原因的听力内容值得我们的关注,在托福听力有较多的表达原因的逻辑词,其中包括because,since, as, for等表达方式。这些词的出现需要我们特别予以关注。

    TPO 18 European History:

    It’s commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste of spoiled meat. But this isn’t really true. Anyone who had to worry about spoiled meat couldn’t afford spices in the first place. If you could afford spices, you could definitely afford fresh meat.

    We also have evidence that various medieval markets employed a kind of police to make sure that people did not sell spoiled food, and if you were caught doing it, you were subject to various fines, humiliating public punishments. So what actually was true was this: In order to have meat for the winter, people would preserve it in salt, not a spice. Spices actually aren’t very effective as preservatives.



    What two factors explain why medieval Europeans did not use spices to cover the taste of spoiled meat? Click on 2 answers

    A. Fresh meat was less expensive than spices were.

    B. Spices were mainly used in incense and perfume.

    C. The sale of spoiled food was prohibited.

    D. Salt was cheaper than most spices were.

    此题就有明显的因果关系,其中Spice不可能用来掩盖变质肉的气味由于两个主要的因素:1. 香料的价格比肉贵;2. 有严格的惩罚,因为市场不允许销售变质肉。

    4. 例子


    在托福听力心理学话题中,就会使用海豚来听低音和高音的例子来感知动物面对不确定性的能力,从而来说明何为心理学中的元认知。同时,以荷兰“郁金香”泡沫为例讲解经济“Boom and bust”的条件:经济繁荣,人们手里有闲钱,都想靠钱生钱。所以,当听力中出现for example,for instance,let’s say,let’s put it this way,just like, just as,as we all know等说法时,我们一定要保持足够的警觉。

    TPO 50 Ancient Egyptian Glass:

    Why does the professor say this: I said they were making glass objects, right?

    To emphasize that glass objects were only made in ancient Egypt.

    To find out what the student does not understand.

    To indicate that there was no contradiction in her previous statement.

    To correct what she said in her previous statement.


    TPO 48 Mutualism

    Now, why would the ants go through all this trouble? What's their benefit?Mary?

    Student: It's probably related to food?

    Professor: Uh-huh?You are onto something.

    Student: Ok, ants feed on sweet stuff, right? So the caterpillar must have some kind of special access to honey or sugars, or something like that. Maybe caterpillars produce honey somehow. On second thought, um, I'm probably way off

    Professor: You are pretty close actually. The caterpillars have a honey gland, an organ that secretes an amino acid and carbohydrate liquid. The caterpillar secretes the liquid from the honey gland, rather large quantities, enough to feed several ants.



    5. 数字的作用


    比如TPO 28


    Well, corvids and some mammals have the ability to plan for the future, to store food for instance, in places where they can find it later. It’s been suggested in fact that jays, corvids known for stealing each other’s food, may hide their food precisely because they are projecting their own tendency to steal onto other jays.




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