SUPPLEMENT: UNIT 5 Knowing Yours

作者: 王虹亮 | 来源:发表于2017-12-02 16:50 被阅读122次


TEXT A: A Personality Development

Good Usage


can be summed up

a closer look at personalities

make the effort

Paras. 3-4

is composed of many elements

fall into

each responds to them individually

for example

her sorrow was expressed through tears

in a quiet, reflective way

jump up with joy

throw a party for your classmates

keep the good news to himself

how people handle their emotions

form a picture of

Para. 5

different in how they relate to others

the social side of their personality

plenty of variations

prefer the company of others

some combination of the two

Paras. 6-7

are influenced by the mind

prefer spending his spare time in deep thought

sees humor in almost everything

express it in entertaining ways

become apparent to

get to know a person well enough before…

discover the full depth of

Paras. 8-9

start wondering

two influences are at work

in fact

inherit from

he’s just like


goes on

has an impact on personality

feel loved and secure

are likely to

a harmful social practice

exerts a negative effect on

Good Usage  (Para.11)

How boring it would be

satisfied with

at least

some personality adjustments

even a small quality


personality is developed right along with

shaping your personality as you want it to be

Just as an athlete builds skills, you can build

only if

are determined to

Key Words and Expressions for Text  A

combination  n.

[U] the act of combining or state of being combined 联合;合作;结合;搭配

e.g. It is the combination of wisdom and humour that makes his article so readable.

A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep in the middle of his lecture.



make a combination 形成组合

a fixed combination 固定搭配

in combination (with) 联合,与……合作

sum up

give a statement of the main points (a report, a speech, a trial, etc.) 总结,归纳,概括

e.g. So, to sum up, we’ve got to pay more attention to cost control.

The professor finally concluded the lecture by summing up.


be composed of sth.

be formed from 由……组成;由……构成

e.g. Our team was composed of teachers, pupils and their parents.

The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.


fall into

be divided into 分成

e.g. The story falls into four parts and we will start with the first part now.

University presidents fall into two categories — those from the liberal arts and those from the natural sciences.


emotional  a.

connected with one’s feelings and one’s ability to control them 感情(上)的;情绪(上)的

e.g. I needed this man’s love, and the emotional support he had been giving me.

I hope her emotional wound will heal with the passing of time.


respond  vi.

[(by, to, with)] do sth. in answer; say or write (sth.) in reply [常与by、to或with连用] 响应,有反应;(以口头或书面方式)回答

e.g. He responded to my suggestions with great enthusiasm.

He responded to my question by slamming the door behind him.


CF: answer, reply & respond



*I asked him several questions, but he never answered.


*She replied that she would try to help him.


*Many young people responded heartily to the call of the government.

throw a party

arrange or give (a party, dinner, etc.) 请客(吃饭);举行(聚会等)

e.g. They threw a party to celebrate the birth of their baby girl.

We are going to throw a party to celebrate on Saturday afternoon.


keep sth. to oneself

cause sth. to remain known only to oneself 对……秘而不宣,不把……讲出来

e.g. I have to tell someone. I can’t keep it to myself.

She kept the secret to herself, not showing any signs to the public.


observe  vt.

watch with careful attention 观察,监视,观测

e.g. They did not observe Mary come in and go upstairs.

As a child, he liked to observe the behaviour of insects.


handle  vt.

deal with; control; pick up, touch, or feel with the hands 对付,控制;触;摸;碰;拿

e.g. The Chair of our department handled the matter rather carefully.

Some people are brilliant with computers, but have no idea how to handle other people.


reveal  vt.

make known sth. that was previously secret or unknown 展现,显露(出)

e.g. A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight.

His selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does.


company  n.

[U] the people with whom a person spends time 常在一起的熟朋友

e.g. She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.

I travelled in the company of two teachers all across Europe.


influence vt. & n.

have an effect on (a person or their behaviour ), esp. in causing or persuading sb. to act in a particular way but without the use of direct force or command 影响(某人或其行为),对……起作用;影响力;作用

e.g. He promised to use his influence with the chairman to get me the job.

Children are easily influenced by their peer.



exert influence on … 对……施加影响

strengthen one’s influence 加强影响力

under sb.’s influence 在某人的影响下

under the influence of … 在……的影响下

outside influences 外界的影响

entertaining  a.

amusing and interesting 有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的

e.g. The average reader will probably find such stories silly but entertaining.

I like programs that are active, creative and entertaining.


at work

having a particular influence or effect 在起作用

e.g. It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind their actions.

Is this plain bad luck or is it law of nature at work?


environment  n.

[C] the natural conditions, such as air, water, and land, in which people, animals and plants live 自然环境

e.g. We need new laws to prevent the pollution of the environment.

To protect the environment, most industrial societies have established strict laws.


in fact

really actually 事实上,实际上

e.g. In fact, that is the reason why I’m here to see you.

He seems very serious, but in fact he has a good sense of humor.


inherit  vt.

receive (qualities of mind or body) from one’s parents, grandmother or grandfather, etc. 经遗传而得到(性格、身体特征)

e.g. We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.

From her mother she inherited warmth of nature.


aspect  n.

[C] a particular side of a many-sided situation, idea, plan, etc. (事态、想法、计划等的某个)方面

e.g. The rise in crime is one of the negative aspects of the situation.

To be competent in his field, he must develop knowledge of this aspect.



a serious aspect 严重性

from an aspect 从一个方面

in an aspect 在一方面

circumstance n.


[C usu. pl.] a fact, condition, or event concerned with and influencing another event, person, or course of action [一般用复数]情形;条件;状况,境况

e.g. Under no circumstances should you lend him any money.

Work will begin on Monday if circumstances permit.



in/under no circumstances 决不;无论如何都不

in/under the circumstances 既然这样;在这种情况下

surround  vt.

be all around on every side 环绕,围绕,围住

e.g. The enemy soldiers were surrounded by us for three days and finally they surrendered.

Antarctica is the continent that surrounds the South Pole.


have an impact on

have a strong impression or effect on 对……有影响(起作用)

e.g. They expect the meeting to have a great impact on the future of the country.

There’s no question that the ads had a real impact on the public.


complicated  a.

difficult to understand or deal with 复杂的,费解的;棘手的

e.g. Though it is a complicated problem, I think we can handle it on our own.

He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.


affect vt.

cause some result or change in; influence 影响

e.g. More than seven million people were affected by drought last year.

The musical team’s performance was affected by the heavy rain.


CF: influence & affect



*The judge was never influenced in his decision by his sympathies or prejudices.


*Smoking affects health.

positive a.

often apprec leading to practical action; constructive 〖常褒〗积极的;有助益的;建设性的

e.g. We must turn negative factors into positive ones.

You’ll have to make a positive decision, not just let things slide.


harmful a.

[(to)] causing or likely to cause harm [常与to连用](对……)有害的;致伤的

e.g. Too much salt can be harmful to a young baby.

The harmful effects of tobacco had long been documented in textbooks.


exert vt.

use (strength, skill, etc.) to gain a desired result 运用(力量、技巧等以达到某预期的结果)

e.g. My wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.

He exerted all his influence to make us accept his plan.



exert all one’s strength 使出全身力气

exert influence on … 对……施加影响

exert oneself 努力;尽力

negative  a.

without any active, useful, or helpful qualities 消极的;非建设性的

e.g. Why does the media present such a negative view of this splendid city?

She’s got such a negative attitude that it’s depressing to be with her.


growth  n.

[C] the process or rate of growing and developing 生长;发育;长成;发展

e.g. There has been a 50% growth in the market for home computers.

The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth.


on the other hand

(used for comparing different things or ideas) as an opposite point in the argument 另一方面……; 从另一方面来说

e.g. That’s quite true, but on the other hand, we have to think of our priorities.

On the one hand, I’d like to take a vacation in July, but on the other hand, I don’t want to miss the conference in mid-July.


satisfied a.

pleased because sth. has happened in the way that you want, or because you have achieved sth. 满意的;满足的

e.g. The public is not satisfied with light entertainment anymore.

I made many preparatory experiments in secret, and have been satisfied with them.


at least

(used for lessening the force or certainty of sth. said) anyway, in any case(用于缩小所谈之事的确实性)无论如何; 不管怎样; 反正

e.g. Preparations for the conference would occupy at least half a month.

Many large companies are involved in at least one joint venture.


along with

together with 跟……一起

e.g. The baby’s mother escaped from the fire along with two other children.

He packed an atlas along with other books.


be determined to

be resolute to 决心做;决意(做)

e.g. We recognized the quality problem and were determined to fix it.

He was determined to seek for a building more suited to their needs.


Text B :Test Yourself Personality

favorite a. 

 most loved; being a favourite 特别受喜欢的

e.g. He went to see his favorite band in concert and knew all the songs by heart.

Their favorite record was “Lonesome Road”, and they played it over and over again.

preference  n.  [C; U] 

(a) liking for one thing rather than another (两者之中)较喜欢的东西;偏爱

e.g. My girlfriend has a strong preference for classical music.

Do you have a preference for sweet or for spicy food ?

reflect  vt. 

 [not usu. in progressive forms] express, make clear, or be a sign of; show [一般不用进行式]表达,反映

e.g. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the editor.

Does this letter reflect how you really think?

represent  vt. 

 be a sign of; symbolize; act or speak officially for (another person or group of people) 象征;表示;代表(某人、某团体)

e.g. She represented her fellow workers at the union meeting.

Mr. Reed has been selected to represent us on the committee.

expand  vt. 

 increase in size, number, volume, degree, etc.; (cause to) grow larger 扩大(尺码、数量、体积、程度);(使)膨胀

e.g. The company has expanded its operations in Nanjing by building a new factory there.

One obvious way of earning the foreign exchange was to expand agricultural exports.

horizon  n.

  [C] [also 又作horizons pl.] the limit of one’s ideas, knowledge, or experience [常复数](思想、知识、经验等的)范围,界限;眼界

e.g. As your horizons expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life.

He was sent on a round of travel to broaden his horizon.

thirst  n.  

[U] a sensation of dryness in the mouth caused by the need to drink; desire for drink; a strong desire; craving (口)渴,渴感;渴望

e.g. They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.

She has a strong thirst for knowledge.


 a.  expecting good things to happen or sth. to be successful; showing this feeling 乐观的,乐观主义的

e.g. Nancy is not optimistic about her score of the test.

Judging from what we have accomplished so far, we are optimistic.

isolated  a. feeling lonely and without friends or help孤独的;孤立无援的

e.g. The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.

About 84% of people have mental health problems and a third of the UK general public feels isolated, according to a new report.


n.  [U (to)] the refusal to accept or comply with sth. [常与to连用] 抵抗,反抗

e.g. A poor diet lowers one’s resistance to illness.

After a stubborn resistance the enemy was fought off at last.

primary  a. 

 chief; main 首要的,主要的

e.g. The primary purpose of his visit is to improve trade relations between the two countries.

The Red Cross’s primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.

selfish  a.  

concerned with or directed towards one’s own advantage without care for others 自私(自利)的

e.g. He is very selfish with his money — he gives very little to his wife.

A selfish person does not care about other people’s problem.

consequently  ad. 

as a result; therefore 所以,因此

e.g. The bank refused to help the company; consequently, it went bankrupt.

There were six persons present, and consequently six sections of the party were represented.

critical  a. 

 [(of)] finding fault; judging severely [常与of连用]吹毛求疵的;批评严厉的

e.g. Why are you so critical of everything I wear?

How can I have any self-confidence when you’re always so critical of me?

mixture  n.  

[(of)] a combination of things or people of different types [常与of连用](不同类型的人或事物的)混合

e.g. Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently.

The talk was conducted in a mixture of English, Russian and French.

mentally  ad. 

 connected or related to the mind or intellect 心理上;精神上;智力上

e.g. This technique will help people mentally organize information.

After his vacation he was in fine condition both physically and mentally.

mature  a. 

apprec having or typical of a fully developed mind; sensible and reasonable; fully grown and developed 〖褒〗理智的,智力得到充分发展的;成熟的

e.g. He is mature and resourceful, able to work independently.

She’s immature intellectually, but she has a remarkably mature mind in other ways.

confront  vt. 

 be faced with and have to deal with; face bravely or threateningly 面临,遇到;勇敢地面对

e.g. When I left the restaurant, I was confronted by two men who asked me for money.

She knew she’d have to confront her parents when she got home.

neutral  a.  

without strong feelings or opinions on either side of a question or argument 中立的,不偏不倚的

e.g. He remained neutral during the debate.

The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral.

swing  vi. 

 (swung, swung) (emotions or opinions) change quickly to the opposite of what they were转变,变更

e.g. His mood swings between excitement and despair.

Since the last election, the public opinion has swung back against the government.

enthusiastically  ad.  

in a way that shows a lot of excitement and interest about sb. or sth. 热情地,热忱地

e.g. The old woman greeted her son enthusiastically with a kiss.

Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting. There were no awkward silences.

loyalty  n. 

[U (to)] faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause [常与to连用](对个人、国家、群体或事业的) 忠诚,忠贞

e.g. As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees.

Even under such a test as this his loyalty to his friend stood firm.

sensitive  a.

  [(about)] sometimes derog having feelings that are easily hurt; easily offended; [(to)] strongly or easily influenced or changed by sth. [常与about连用]〖有时贬〗感情易受伤害的,易生气的;神经过敏的;[常与to连用]易受影响的,敏感的

e.g. Children’s bones are very sensitive to radiation (辐射).

A writer mustn’t be too sensitive to criticism.

desire  n . & vt. 

 [not in progressive forms] fml wish, want, or hope for, very much [不用进行式]〖正式〗渴望,期望,希望

e.g. For most women, work is connected with the desire for independence.

The government desired that everyone should pay attention to the rule.

sacrifice vt.  

[(for, to)] lose or give up, esp. for a good purpose or to gain a desirable result [常与for 或to连用]牺牲,舍弃

e.g. She has sacrificed her life to her husband’s interests and welfare.

She sacrificed her pleasure and pastime to look after the old man.

stable  a. 

 not easily moved, upset, or changed; firm; steady 牢固的;稳固的;安定的;不变的

e.g. Oil prices are stable for the first time in years.

After several part-time jobs, he’s now got a stable job in a bank.

restrict  vt.  

[(to)] keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit [常与to连用] 限制,约束

e.g. The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people’s access to firearms.

His activities were restricted by old age.

normally  ad. 

 in most situations or cases 一般情况下

e.g. Normally, the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day.

Summer vacation normally starts in early July.

balanced  a. 

 giving equal attention to all sides or all opinions; fair; showing balance 公平的,合理的;均衡的,调和的

e.g. The news program prided itself on its balanced reporting.

A balanced diet gives an athlete the right amount of calories.

former  a.  

[no comp.] rather fml the first (of two people or things just mentioned) [无比较级]〖较正式〗(刚提到的两个人或两件事之间)在前的;前者的

e.g. He looks healthier in contrast to his former self.

Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter (one).

persistent a.  

often derog continuing in a course of action or way of behaving, esp. in spite of opposition or warning 〖常贬〗坚持的;执意的

e.g. Finally I had to agree with him because he was so persistent.

Only persistent study yields steady progress.

fate  n.  

[U often cap. ]  the power or force which is supposed to be the cause of and in control of all events, in a way which is beyond human control [常用大写]天命,命运,运数

e.g. I wanted to go to India in June, but fate decided otherwise.

Management in large measure controls the fate of large corporations.

vision n. 

 [C of] a picture seen in the mind; idea [常与of连用]构想,设想;念头

e.g. That’s my vision of how the world would be moving round in the future.

David, in his secret heart, had vision of a sort of fantastic summer resort.


expand / broaden one’s horizons

make the best of sth.

free from

be/get stuck in (to)

be/ become concerned about

in good/bad/poor, etc. shape

opt for

shut off

in control (of sth.)

be content with

break away from

on the way

expand / broaden one’s horizons  

experience and learn new things 增长阅历和见识

e.g. Reading not only makes one knowledgeable but expands one’s horizons as well.

We should all strive to learn as much as we can and broaden our horizons.

make the best of sth. 

 make an unsatisfactory situation as pleasant as possible 充分利用

e.g. We should make the best of our opportunities to speak English.

He was a man who always make the best of things.

free from  

without (sb. or sth. unwanted); safe from; untroubled and unspoilt by 摆脱(不相宜的人或事物)的;不受……影响的;免于困扰或损害的

e.g. Everyone of us would like to live a life free from worries and difficulties.

Childhood should be fairly happy, free from financial worries and anxiety about social ladders.

be/get stuck in (to)  

infml  unable to go further or do anything further, esp. because of difficulties; fixed in position; impossible to move 〖非正式〗困住,难住;没有办法进行下去;卡主,无法移动

e.g. We were stuck in traffic for over an hour.

A motorcycle had become stuck in the mud.

be / become concerned about 

 be anxious or worried about 担心……;挂虑……

e.g. They are very seriously concerned about the problems involved.

The whole society should be concerned about the health and sound growth of children.

in good/bad/poor, etc. shape 

 in good/bad/poor condition, health, etc. (情况、身体等)良好(不佳)

e.g. Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep in good shape.

After the race, the horse was in very bad shape, so he sold it.

opt for  

decide on 选择,挑选

e.g. If you opt for something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.

Most people opt for buying their own homes rather than renting them.

shut off 

 keep separate or away 隔离;使隔绝

e.g. The maniac (疯子) had to be shut off from contact with his fellow men.

The houses are shut off from the outside world by high walls and trees.

in control (of sth.)  

in command or in charge (of sth.) 掌管

e.g. The Vice-President is now in full control of the situation.

She may be old, but she’s still in control of all that is happening.

be content with  be happy and satisfied with 对……满足的;对……满意的;对……知足的

e.g. She is not content with these explanations.

He seems to be quite content with his life at present.

break away from 

 leave one’s home, family, or job and become independent 摆脱;脱离

e.g. What can we do to help them break away from the difficult position?

You must break away from such bad habits.

on the way  

on the point of experiencing or achieving 即将经受,即将获得

e.g. The sky clouded over and a cold wind began to blow. A snowstorm is on the way.

After yeas of development, his business is on the way to global market.



    本文标题:SUPPLEMENT: UNIT 5 Knowing Yours
