如果你觉得对你有帮助的话,记得添加喜欢哟。而且我相信自己一定会越学越好越写越妙的: D 后面有时间的话我会做得更详细一点。 送给大家一句扎克伯格的话Ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.(想法都是在不断完善中逐渐清晰的)
目前周一的学习主要有时政类报刊阅读以及基础英语这两门课程。市政报刊类阅读我们这一阶段要求读两篇侦探类的小说(Detective Fictions Compulsory Reading): A Study in Scarlet(Arthur Conan Doyle)血字的研究(柯南道尔)、Murder on the Orient Express(Agatha Christie)东方快车谋杀案(阿加莎)以及四期经济学人中国版块的阅读。开设这节课其实也能学到许多东西,它可以让你学会思考与分享。
东方快车里出现的一句对Miss Debenham的描写“The sweep of her hair back from her face, the curve of her nostril suggested the figure-head of a ship plunging(投入) gallantly(勇敢的) into a rough sea. "波浪似的梳向脑后的头发和鼻子的线条,让人联想到乘风破浪驶入汹涌大海的船头雕像。像描写乌黑锃亮的头发可以用黑色大理石jet black hair、什么杏眼lovely eyes with almond-shaped.
还有一些常见的词但有你不知道的表达,比如pig(肮脏粗野的人)、seal(封蜡)、be expecting(怀孕)、plan(平面图)、blind(百叶窗)、coach(客车厢)、temple(太阳穴)等等
今天课上还讨论了东方快车这本书里的一些词组比如at the beck and call随时准备听从调遣、give them the slip恶有恶报、beat about the bush拐弯抹角、the coast is clear危险已经过去...

1.基英里面的表达还是很有意思的 For want of a drink课文里 招来灾难它用的是invite disaster、治理江河湖泊harness rivers and lakes
2.在The Telephone课文中 keep track of(follow)
deliver them from their aimless existance(free sb from a situation)
the laughter and noise of the men trailed off and finally stopped.(用于声音后表示渐渐消失停止)
3.Unit 5 For what of a drink 在讲水资源的特征时有这么一句话,As it nears the sea, though, the opportunities diminish to the point where it has no uses except to sustain deltas, wetlands and to carry silt out to sea.不过,当它接近大海时,这种机会将减少到极致,除了维持三角洲和湿地以及将泥沙冲入大海外没有什么用处。to the point在词典里的意思是中肯,扼要但是在文中可以理解为“达到临界点”,比如我们描写环境退化严重可以说When the surrounding environment degrades to the point,...在第十五段第一句 Part of the beauty of the borehole is that it requires no elaborate apparatus.钻井抽水的一个优点是无需精妙的设备。 the beauty of 可以理解为the advantage of.
U6课后习题 Switzerland瑞士发音为/switsələnd/注意里面的land发音 比如England, Poland. 还有就是Sweden是瑞典 一些颜色的连接词很形象的比如sea-green海蓝色、jet-black、pitch-dark
救某人于水火之中deliver sb. from suffering
说服某人放弃做某事talk sb out of doing sth.
一些句子存在矛盾修辞 那么paradox和oxymoron的区别在哪呢?下面有两个对应的句子可以看一下(我认为矛盾体是相连接的一般都是oxymoron)
The more I know, the more confused I become. (paradox)
In retrospect, historians think that it was a disastrous victory. (oxymoron)