

作者: 爱做白日梦的虾皇饺小姐 | 来源:发表于2019-01-24 07:45 被阅读0次

元好问 - 人月圆·卜居外家东园 | 老夫惟有醒来明月,醉后清风。

Awake, I'll enjoy the moon so bright; Drunk, the refreshing breeze so light.


王和卿 - 一半儿·题情 | 别来宽裉缕金衣,粉悴烟憔减玉肌。泪点儿只除衫袖知,盼佳期,一半儿才干一半儿湿。

My golden robe turns loose since my love from me parted;

My powdered face and jade like skin look broken-hearted.

Tears dripping drop by drop only known to my sleeves, I

Wait for him with a sigh, My sleeves are half wet and half dry.

盍西村 - 小桃红·江岸水灯 | 万家灯火闹春桥,十里光相照。舞凤翔鸾势绝妙。可怜宵!波间涌出蓬莱岛。香烟乱飘,笙歌喧闹,飞上玉楼腰。

Thousands of lanterns run riot on vernal shore, Light overspreads for miles and miles.

Wonderful dancing phoenixes and dragons soar, Into the lovely night.

Out of the waves emerge three fairy isles.

See incence waft in flight; Hear music on flute played!

They fly up around the tower of jade.

卢挚 - 节节高·题洞庭鹿角庙壁 | 半夜心,三生梦,万里别。闷倚篷窗睡些。

In my heart deep, Of my past life I dream.

I'll go far on the stream; Depressed in the lonely boat, I get a short sleep.

卢挚 - 蟾宫曲·扬州汪右丞席上即事 | 几许华年?三生醉梦,六月凉秋。

How many years are gone with ease? 

My life old and new drunk away in dreams, The sixth moon foretells an autumn cool.

为什么不是June's moon而是sixth moon,感觉有点怪怪的?六月是夏天,“六月凉秋”全凭心境,第六个月亮预言了凉秋,嗯嗯嗯......

关汉卿 - 四块玉·别情 | 自送别,心难舍,一点相思几时绝?

Since you are gone, For you I long. When will my yearning come to end?

关汉卿 - 一枝花·不服老(四)| 我是个蒸不烂煮不熟捶不扁炒不爆响珰珰一粒铜豌豆。

I'm a resounding copper pea Which could not be Hammered out, cooked, fried or stewed.

关汉卿 - 一枝花·不服老(四)| 我玩的是梁园月,饮的是东京酒,赏的是洛阳花,攀的是章台柳。

I have enjoyed in royal garden the moonshine, In the east capital good wine,

And peony flowers in the west, And plucked a twig from my lover's breast.


马致远 - 天净沙·秋思 | 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。

Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly crows;

Under a small bridge beside a cot a stream flows;

On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes.


王实甫 - 别情·尧民歌 | 怕黄昏忽地又黄昏;不销魂怎地不销魂?新啼痕压旧啼痕;断肠人忆断肠人。

The dim twilight I fear will often reappear, O how can my soul lost be found at any cost?

The new cannot efface the old tear-shedding trace; One broken heart yearns for the other kept apart.

阿里西瑛 - 殿前欢·懒云窝 | 懒云窝,醒时诗酒醉时歌。瑶琴不理抛书卧,无梦南柯。得清闲尽快活。

Excerpt From: 许渊冲(译). “许译中国经典诗文集——14册套书(中英双语).” iBooks.

In my Nest for Idle Cloud, Sober, I drink and write; while drunk, I croon aloud.

I will not read nor on lute will I play, Nor dream to climb up high.

I will make merry at leisure, And let sun and moon like shuttles pass by.


乔吉 - 凭阑人·春思 | 淡月梨花曲槛旁,清露苍苔罗袜凉。恨他愁断肠,为他烧夜香。

Under pale moon by pear blossoms on rails I lean, My silken stockings cold with clear dew on moss green.

Grief-stricken, I am in sad plight, Still I burn incense for him at night.

乔吉 - 折桂令·登毗陵永庆阁所见 | 愁缕成痕,一枕余香,半醉黄昏。

A wreath of gloom has left its trace, The pillow hides her leftover grace. Half drunk, in twilight she is sunk.

张可久 - 迎仙客·秋夜 | 二三更,千万声,捣碎离情,不管愁人听。

Deeper, deeper the night, Deeper, deeper the sound.

It breaks the heart of those who part, But cares not for their plight.

徐再思 - 蟾宫曲·春情 | 生平不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。

In early life I knew not what lovesicknes is. When I began to know a bit, I fell heart and soul into a fit.

徐再思 - 水仙子·春情 | 九分恩爱九分忧,两处相思两处愁,十年迤逗十年受。


I am as Iovesick as I'm full of care; We Iong for each other here as there. Ten years of courting give me as much joy as pain; Our life is chequered with loss as well as gain. There is not half a thing which brings me not half shame, In autumn late I regret autumn flame; In springtime fine I complain I'm sick of spring wine.  All my life long is nothing but a love song.

汪元亨 - 朝天子·归隐 | 荣华梦一场,功名纸半张,是非海波千丈。

Glory is but a dream, Rank and fame paper torn, Right or wrong mountain-high tide.


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