阅读辅助,善用外部资源——CHAPTER 12

阅读辅助,善用外部资源——CHAPTER 12

作者: 刘小麦同学 | 来源:发表于2017-01-11 20:01 被阅读40次

——如何阅读一本书笔记 11

Part 2 Analytical Reading

CH12 Aids to Reading

chapter 12






其次 ,作者担心读者过分依赖辅助阅读,过分依赖辅助的风险是让工具代替我们思考。作者的初衷是希望读者在利用外部资源解惑的前尽可能独立阅读思考,这样我们才能在阅读的路上越走越远,最终你会越来越少利用外部资源。嚼别人喂的饭也许很舒服,但味道你无法选择,永远吃不出自己的味道。

On the whole, it is best to do all that you can by yourself before seeking outside help; for if you act consistently on this principle, you will find that you need less and less outside help.


1. 相关经验

2. 其它书籍

3. 导读、摘要

4. 工具书 参考书


Words & Phrases (每日五词)

1. fuse

o combine different qualities, ideas, or things, or to be combinedSYNmerge:


Their music fuses elements as diverse as Cajun, bebop and Cuban waltzes.


the appearance of being true or real

似真; 逼真:

the detail gives the novel some verisimilitude.


3. a mean between sth and sth

a method of doing something which is between two very different methods, and better than either of them中庸之道,折中办法〔指介于两种不同办法之间而比两者都好的一种办法〕:

It's a case of finding the mean between firmness and compassion.要在强硬和同情之间找出折中的办法。

4.give way to (something)

to be replaced by something.

My excitement gave way to fear when I drove a car for the first time.

5. lexicography /ˌleksɪˈkɒgrəfɪ/noun

the practice of compiling dictionaries

词典编纂; 词典编纂学。

Summary of chapter 12

Key Words

intrinsic reading, extrinsic reading, common experience, special experience, words, facts

Why do we need extrinsic aids for reading?

It is good for us reading wIth our own power and with no other help. However, sometimes extrinsic aids are necessary for full understanding.

There are four categories of exerincsic aids as below:

Relevant experiences:

 - There are two kinds of experience  mainly relevant to different kinds of books.

 - You must know how to make use of different experiences to help us understand a book.

 - Test yourself by asking the question - "could you give a concrete example of a point on the author’s saying?".

2 . Other books:

 - Great books are related and were written in certain order.

 - applying to more history and philosophy than fiction and science

3. Commentaries and abstracts:

 - You should use these aids wisely.

 - Commentaries should be read after you read and understand a book.

 - An abstract can never replace of the reading of a book, but helps you know whether a book is worthing reading or not.

4. Reference books:

how to dictionary:

 - answer four different kinds of questions about words

 - know how to find answers

 - don’t look up too many words

how to use an Encyclopedia:

 - answer questions about facts

 - lack arguments



1. 月初时你信心满满加入读书群,准备掌握阅读大法,现在,读书过半,你的进度在哪里?还在读吗?是不是年初时读书的热情已经消退了?如作者所说:大部分人面临的问题是:不知道如何好好读完一本书

The enthusiasm with which people embark on a course of reading great books often gives way, fairly soon, to a feeling of hopeless inadequacy. One reason, of course,is that many readers do not know how to read a single book very well.


2. 一本书的知识体系由章节构成,更大更全面的知识体系由一系列相关的书籍构成。我们没有自己的知识体系,归根结底,是书读的不够多,读的好书不够多。相对主题阅读,读懂一本书相对容易。

Just as the whole book is the context for any of its parts, so related books provide an even larger context that helps you interpret the book you are reading.

3.千万不要养成依赖导读的习惯。 我一直对拆书帮式的读书方法不敢苟同。书要读成自己的,而不是被别人牵着鼻子读。

And there is this further point. If you get into the habit of depending on commentaries and handbooks, you will be totally lost if you cannot find one. You may be able to understand a particular book with the help of a commentary, but in general you will be a worse reader.


If you have to look up too many words at the beginning, you will certainly lose track of the book’s unity and order. The dictionary’s primary service is on those occasions when you confront



    本文标题:阅读辅助,善用外部资源——CHAPTER 12
