119 陌上花开

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-03-04 20:36 被阅读34次
    119 陌上花开

    Life resembles riding a bike,only if you remain balanced it is possible to advance forward.

    As is acquainted with the fact that koala is an arboreal animal,its features reveals its flexibility and intrigue tourists’ interest to appreciate the indigenous animals in Australia.It is accustomed to the changeable eco-environment and survives on the vast forest to accompany the high trees.Let’s raise a hypothesis that the extinction of dinosaurs had happened in the koala.Consequently we would not have the dramatic animals in sight.

    The evolution affects the food chain in nature just as the earth rotates around the hot sun.If it turns off its original orbit it will vanish into the dark starry night.

    The spring has revived with the trees transmuting their bold branches into tender shoot. The blossoms are to bloom flowers afterward to present a reproductive season.



        本文标题:119 陌上花开
