

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-04-22 07:54 被阅读341次

The video-sharing app by the Chinese-owned Bytedance, the world's most valuable startup,has a younger audience than Facebook, an algorithm that learns you, and different ideas about free speech. Most nights, from around 7 till midnight, Sydney Jade is on TikTok, the smartphone app of the moment. The platinum blond teenager films herself singing show tunes, doing jumping jacks, and joking around with store clerks at a Walmart not far from her home in Oklahoma. Her short music videos and livestreams are popular—Jade has 284,000 followers, some of whom periodically send her virtual gifts, like 99¢ Rainbow Puke stickers.

世界上最有价值的视频分享程序由北京字节跳动科技有限公司持有,它拥有比Facebook更年轻的受众群体以及对言论自由的不同理念,并能通过算法分析出你的偏好。基本每天下午七点到午夜,Sydney Jade都在刷抖音——一个当下的智能手机应用。这位金发白肤少年拍摄自己的演唱节目,跳jack舞蹈,和离家不远的俄克拉荷马州沃尔玛店员们开玩笑。她的音乐短视频和直播很受欢迎——坐拥28.4万粉丝,其中一些人定期发送给她虚拟礼物,比如口吐彩虹贴纸。

The story sounds a lot like the rise of other social media powers such as Instagram and Snapchat, both of which pitched themselves as alternatives to Facebook’s big blue app. But TikTok wasn’t created by Stanford students Mark Zuckerberg could buy off or spend into the ground. It’s a subsidiary of a Beijing startup, Bytedance Ltd., that’s built a collection of valuable apps in China powered by vast troves of data and sophisticated artificial intelligence. Last year, Bytedance’s investors valued the company at $75 billion, the most of any startup in the world.


Inevitably, especially in the age of Donald Trump, TikTok’s fast growth and Chinese ownership have made it the subject of scrutiny. Last month, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS), ordered Beijing Kunlun Tech Co., a little-known Chinese gaming company that bought the very well-known gay-dating app Grindr, to sell the business over apparent concerns that Chinese intelligence agencies could potentially use data from the app to blackmail users.


Separately, TikTok has faced concerns over privacy and child safety. In February, Bytedance was fined $5.7 million by the Federal Trade Commission to settle allegations that http://Musical.ly,which Bytedance bought and renamed TikTok, illegally collected information from minors. It was the largest FTC penalty in a children’s privacy case.


--Source: Bloomberg--文章来源:《彭博商业周刊》

Bytedance 北京字节跳动科技有限公司成立于2012年,是最早将人工智能应用于移动互联网场景的科技企业之一,是中国北京的一家信息科技公司,地址位于北京市海淀区知春路甲48号。其独立研发的“今日头条”客户端,通过海量信息采集、深度数据挖掘和用户行为分析,为用户智能推荐个性化信息,从而开创了一种全新的新闻阅读模式。

Jack,是House舞蹈中的一种身体律动,身体配合音乐的节拍,由下自上的前后摇摆,多表现在腰、腹、胯等部位。这个名字的由来,与House舞蹈的形成没有直接关系。当时在一个酒吧,一个名叫Jack的青年与一名年轻女子在洗手间里交流,如火如荼之间,女孩不断叫着青年的名字“欧!杰克!欧!杰克!!”,Jack也随着那震耳欲聋的HouseBeats有节奏感地用力地使用着自己的核心肌群“Yeah! I'M JACK!! I'M JACKING YOU!!!!”。这个律动的名字由此诞生了。http://Musical.ly是一款音乐类短视频社区应用,是近年来深受全球青少年用户喜爱的短视频社交App,于2014年4月上线,用户通过将自己拍摄的视频,配上乐库的音乐,从而快速地创建时长15秒的MV,或选择自己喜欢的热门打榜歌曲,通过对口型以及肢体动作来制作音乐视频。http://Musical.ly全球日活跃用户数超过2000万,其中北美活跃用户超过600万。2017年11月10日,今日头条10亿美元购北美音乐短视频社交平台http://Musical.ly,将与抖音合并。







