不知道大家有没有听说过italki 这个网站?它是个类似VIP abc和51talk 一样的老外1对1语言学习平台,是收费的。但这个网站里有个社区,见下图:

- 1- 发上去的文章,尽量不要太长。一来,文章太长,别人不愿意花时间看;二来别人修改起来很费时,所以尽量简明扼要。
- 2- 作文内容最好写发生在自己身上的事情,或者是带点“幽默”的事情。因为不论中外,每个人都喜欢好玩的事儿,你的文章有意思,别人看着乐,就更愿意修改你的文章。例如我下面附带的作文,提交后不到10秒钟就收到了反馈。
- 3- 文章尽量不要用新闻体和议事体等说教的形式,因为这些作文在内容上可谓“相当无聊”,非常不受欢迎,通常要等很久才有人愿意批改,甚至是无人批改。
A wicked kid
I used to be a wicked kid. From age 4 to 6, I was always acting up at home and around the neighborhood. Even in my mom's office, the maternity department in a hospital, I was also a trouble maker. Since my mom was a nurse, I could wander around the whole office whenever and wherever apart from the labouring operations room.
What I did most of that time was tucking milk bottles to the new-born babies‘ mouths when they cried. Sometimes I played tricks on them. While the newborns were sucking milk, I suddenly took off their bottles, then they would cried and I hang on there for few seconds, and then gave them back. I did this back and forth several times a day.
Now I become much more mature and quiet. I have grown up to be an introvert adult who doesn't like speaking up the likes and dislikes in life. I prefer to self absorbing all the negative emotions by myself. But It seems I got quite a load there since I have never kicked the elephant out of the room after college graduation.

