Machine Learning笔记 第16周

作者: 我的名字叫清阳 | 来源:发表于2016-05-01 09:24 被阅读663次

Machine learning 从第10周之后我就没再更新。一个原因是自己根本没时间学习,另一个原因是剩下的部分中所有内容,都是在我去年上过的另外一门课 Reinforcement Learning 中讲到了。需要那些笔记的话,直接去往下面的链接。 Reinforcement Learning 第一周课程笔记 : MDP;Reinforcement Learning 第十二周课程笔记: Game Theory I;Reinforcement Learning 第十三周课程笔记: Game Theory II & III。


Reinforcement Learning

  • MDP: Model -> planner -> policy
  • transitions(sars) -> leaner -> policy
Reinforcement learning history
  • RL = reward maximization.
More RL "APIs" What do you call these? Three ways of solving RL problems
  • From Direct use/ indirect learning -> indirect learning/direct use of the policy.
  • Policy search: find the optimal policy which can get the right action in given state (s).
  • Value-function based: find U which can return the best value (v) for state (s). apply argmax on this will generate policy for policy search.
  • Model-based approach: based on transition function and reward function, we can get the next state (s') and reward for the current state (s) and action (a) pair. These can be used to solve the Bellman equations and eventually solve value function and given policy.

With Q, we can find out U or PI without knowing transition or action. This is why Q learning works.

what Q-learning can do

Estimating Q From Transitions

  • Estimated Q,(Q hat) is the utility of next state plus the current learning rate discounted by the learning rate alpha.
  • V and be estimated by changing alpha
what V converges to?

V will converge to the estimated value of X when alpha satisfies: all alphas sum to infinity, but all alpha square sum to a certain number. (e.t alpha = 1/t).

Q learning proof

The first step is a bit ambiguous because Q-hat changes over time. But it works in practice.

Q learning steps

Q-learning only works if s,a visited infinitely often. and alphat satisfy the conditions that it sums to infinity but the square of it sums to something less than infinity.

  • always choose a0
  • choose randomly
  • use Q-hat
  • "greedy" (local min) choose a0 if a0 is awesome
  • annealing
Greedy exploration

exploration & exploitation.

Wrap up

wrap up


2016-04-30 初稿



  • a7289fcbd328:你想把这篇文章投稿至《机器学习》专题,建议你把文中的图片重新画规范一些,再把中英文混搭的部分全部改成中文,这样更通俗易懂一些,其它读者也更容易看懂,谢谢支持~
    a7289fcbd328:@我的名字叫清阳 因为简书毕竟主要是针对中文的读者,谢谢支持~
    我的名字叫清阳:@练绪宝 这是课程笔记,课程是佐治亚理工的在线硕士项目的课程之一。课程的讲授和考试都是英文,需要这个笔记的人不会希望它是中文的。图片是课程的截图。但是笔记的内容我不打算改变了,也不会翻译为中文。

  • 青木729:看你这笔记风格,是自己一直这么做笔记吗?我最近看Scott Young写的《如何高效学习》这本书,书中提到的一种叫做笔记流的记笔记方法,跟你这笔记风格非常相似~我最近按照他那本书中教的方法在学习,但是笔记流这里卡住了,我不知道怎么下手,也不知道记什么关键字,突然发现自己不会记笔记了~你是如何掌握了这门技巧的?有什么窍门嘛?不吝赐教
    我的名字叫清阳:@青木729 我没有什么记笔记的技巧^

本文标题:Machine Learning笔记 第16周
