Dreary Day .... 阴郁的日子... ‖ 英.

Dreary Day .... 阴郁的日子... ‖ 英.

作者: 依依煜兮 | 来源:发表于2019-07-31 15:30 被阅读18次

文/ 煜兮  【原创首发】  {185/0365}

阴郁的日子翻出一张2006年在德国旅游的照片,让12年前的阳光一扫今日的阴沉郁闷...触发了一首英诗 ...

Dreary Day

The weather is dreary, the mood is dreary too

There is no reason can explain why such tiresome and heavy

Drift continuously on dark dream, hours and hours, from down to up

Though awakened sour see the bright sign just over the horizon,

time by time, however …

The unseeing darkest force and pushed the blue elf fallen out again

Every piece of bone is pain as parts abandon and float in apace

A sound from space knocked the elf – fall into the pit, a gain in your wit

Blue elf teased the old standard dishes for is no more than a platitude

And it isn’t for a treacherous plot, in course of time,

Elf will see everything soon,

would reveal whatever from dreary to clear sunshine …

2019.07.31 pm

是啊,时光无论远近,都是浓淡相宜 (台风来了)

Dreary Day .... 阴郁的日子... ‖ 英.诗


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    本文标题:Dreary Day .... 阴郁的日子... ‖ 英.
