

作者: 翻译技术点津 | 来源:发表于2023-01-19 09:41 被阅读0次



    博硕星睿·翻译技术教育研究院特邀美国资深全球化与本地化战略咨询专家 Jeannette Stewart国内外语类专业师生代表,围绕国际语言服务重要议题展开专题访谈,让我们一起来看看吧。

    活动时间/Date & Time

    1月20日 上午9:00-10:00 (北京)

    1月19日下午5:00-6:00 (美西)

    9:00-10:00 a.m., Jan. 20 (BJS) /5:00-6:00 p.m., Jan.19 (PST)



    International Language Service Landscape 2023



    TTES Official WeChat Platform


    LingoTek ITTE



    1. 小鹅通

    2. 腾讯Webinar



    访谈嘉宾/Keynote Speaker

    Jeannette Stewart

    美国资深全球化与本地化战略咨询专家,在线公益翻译资源共享平台Translation Commons创始人,兼任联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)“土著语言国际十年”全球计划制定(IDTL)特别小组成员。她曾创办CommuniCare并兼任CEO,该公司专注生命科学领域的全球化及本地化业务,在伦敦、巴黎、雅典、布达佩斯和洛杉矶拥有5个分部。除企业家身份外,她还提供高端商业咨询服务,她兼具客户需求方及语言服务企业工作经验,曾参与了包括 “人类基因组计划” 在内的许多著名的全球性项目的语言服务规划,以及为欧洲药品管理局设计“在线统一提交流程”(Unified Submission Process)初始版本;并与Unicode合作,帮助机构实现脚本编码、字体设计、键盘创建、拼写检查器、术语库和记忆库、机器翻译等语言工具的应用。她曾在语言服务知名杂志《MultiLingual》担任专栏作家,关注语言服务社区目标设定。她还在各类教育和健康慈善机构,如英国威尔士亲王基金会中分别担任过创始人、董事会成员、导师和志愿者等工作。

    Jeannette Stewart is a strategic leader and has worked with mainstream brands helping them achieve global growth, business revitalization and transformation.

    She founded Translation Commons, an online volunteer nonprofit community, offering free tools and resources, helping graduates acquire working experience and creating visibility through global impact programs such as the Language Digitization Initiative. Working with UNESCO for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the team creates resources and offers technical assistance to any community which wishes to digitize their script and increase their language related digital capabilities. Working with Unicode the team helps communities with their script encoding, font design, keyboard creation as well as language specific tools such as spell checkers, terminology banks and repositories, MT and incorporation of their script with major internet applications. Jeannette is currently a member of the UNESCO Ad-hoc group for creating the Global Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.

    As the past CEO of CommuniCare, a life-science language services provider with offices in London, Paris, Athens, Budapest and Los Angeles, she has been involved in high-profile projects such as the Genome Project and prototyping the online Unified Submission Process for the European Medicine Agency. She is committed to volunteerism and she has founded, served on the board of directors, moderated and participated in various educational, women's and health charities including the Prince of Wales Foundation in the UK.

    She is a language advocate working at the intersection of technology, language access and human rights, supporting global efforts towards increasing access to critical information/services and equal digital representation beyond language barriers, as well as creating proactive responses to social, educational, economic and environmental challenges that involve speakers of all languages, including Indigenous languages and underrepresented languages.


    朱华 Hua Zhu

    天津外国语大学高级翻译学院硕士生导师,天外英语翻译理论与实践、美国蒙特雷高级翻译学院翻译及本地化项目管理双硕士,美国翻译协会北加州分会会员。除教学外,还担任WITTA翻译技术教育研究会副秘书长、国际事务沟通专员,美国翻译公益联盟Translation Commons中国区沟通经理。曾兼任中国翻译协会暑期翻译技术师资培训、WITTA翻译技术研究会翻译技术师资培训、北京第二外国语学院、南开大学外国语学院《翻译技术》和《术语管理及影视字幕翻译》授课教师,并在广外、西外、中国民航、河北大学等多所高校及多个直播平台分享GILT*学习技巧。(*GILT:G11n/全球化、I18n/国际化、L10n/本地化、T9n/翻译)

    Bio: Hua has great enthusiasm for language service industry. He is committed to envagelizing tech application & integration in GILT industry, improving the quality of Chinese to English translation and building a bridge between Chinese translators, native English revisors and the most cutting-edge technology.

    He has been teaching translation and courses around GILT technology at Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) in China since 2012, as well as similar courses at Nankai University & Beijing International Studies University as an adjunct lecturer.

    Apart from teaching, he is also an active industry practitioner. Together, he has developed and served dozens of world-renowned brands, built a talent team of over 30 translators, interpreters and editors, and led the team to translate, interpret and localize contents from both home and abroad. He got his first M.A. in translation and interpretation from TFSU and the second M.A. in Translation, Localization and Management from Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS).

    教师嘉宾/Roundtable Guest

    汪婧/Janet Wang


    Bio: Janet actively practices Informationization teaching and has achieved outstanding results in its various competitions. She has been teaching computer-aided translation and courses of cultivating students’ professional translation competence since 2016.

    As the instructor of the “The Supremes” Translation Studio in Guilin University, she led the team to finish the projects of corpus alignment, subtitle translation and software localization.

    Her research interests focus on translation technology practice; and the application of education technology (Edtech) in language teaching. She is currently doing a project on “the Corpus of Guilin Red Tourism Resources” and teaching reforms and practices of Translation Technology Curriculum Group oriented by Language Service Market.

    学生嘉宾/Student Guest


    天津外国语大学高级翻译学院2021级硕士研究生,英语笔译专业,一名从小有着“翻译梦”的翻译爱好者,希望在翻译的路上行稳致远,早日成为一名合格专业的翻译匠。Keep moving!

    Bio: MTI candidate, Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU); Translation Enthusiast; Becoming a professional translator has been her dream ever since she was a little girl. Always believe in "Slow and steady wins the race" and keep moving as a doer.



