苏萨考古博物馆(The Archaeological Museum)位于伊朗西南胡齐斯坦省的苏萨城,苏萨是一座拥有八千多年的古城于2015年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产名录。苏萨古城的悠久比伊朗建国历史长。
在这个博物馆有许多考古家发掘的古代石器和陶器。这些文物不仅来自苏萨,也有来自胡齐斯坦省。博物馆里主要有六个房间,在这里还能看到大流士宫殿的建筑遗迹,陶器,武器,Masjed Soleiman(伊朗第一座商业油井的所在地)的雕塑和Haft Tepe的面具。
苏萨古城是由法国考古学者M.-A.迪约拉富瓦(1844~1920)、 J.de摩尔根(1857~1924)、R.吉尔斯芒等人发掘。公元1901年,著名的汉谟拉比法典(现存于法国卢浮宫)在此出土。世界遗产苏萨遗址包括自公元前五世纪晚期至公元十三世纪的数层叠加的城市遗迹。
The small museum displays ancient stones and pottery excavated from archaeological sites in the region. At this charming museum you will find many objects not only from Susa itself, but also from towns in the neighbourhood, the province of Khuzestan.
There are six main rooms, where you will find architectural remains from the palace of Darius, ceramics, weapons, sculpture from Masjed Soleiman (home of Iran’s first commercial oil well) and funerary masks from Haft Tepe.
When Susa was excavated in the late nineteenth century, the archaeologists agreed that all gold and silver would remain in Asia, while finds of stone and other less precious materials could be brought to France. This is why the most famous objects from Susa are now in the Louvre. Other objects, like the splendid Egyptian-style statue of Darius that was excavated in the 1970s, were brought to the Archaeological Museum of Tehran.