PART 1- 3句
1, It taught me that it is easier( to an insider as an outsider )than (to be an outsider as an insider).
I was mixed but not colored- colored by complexion but not by culture.
2, Big brother is going to get my revenge for me.

图片出自 Eric 老友记
3, But Abel didn't need a gun to put the fear of God in you.
PART 2- 3词
1, anomaly animosity (n.)
I was the anomaly wherever we lived.
The animosity(// I felt from the colored people// I encountered// growing up )was one of the hardest things// I've ever had to deal with.
anomaly something that is noticeable because it is different from what is usual
animosity strong dislike or hatred =(hostility)
仿写:I've got a certain amount of animosity because I was the anomaly wherever I lived.
2, bully
I was bullied all the time.
bully 恃强凌弱 (n.&v.)
bully for you /him
used when you do not think that someone has done anything special but they want you to praise them
例句: Yes,I know you've done all the dishes.Bully for you!
3, thick
By that point I'd developed thick skin.
翻译成厚脸皮 感觉有点贬义的意思,作者的对这些已经习以为常,并不会太在意这些了。这里用的动词是 develope
反义词 thin
thick 本身词义较多,但总体不管是表示厚也好,枝繁叶茂也好,总之就是一个感觉 “充足,多”
thick-skinned (not easily offended by other people's criticism or insults) 大概就是 厚脸皮吧 哈哈
PART 3- Thoughts
前面作者写道自己是一个变色龙,通过语言的转换尽力是自己融入到一个集体中。但当作者这句话出现的时候 无奈尽显 It taught me that it is easier to an insider as an outsider than to be an outsider as an insider. 中文短路,不知道怎么把这句话的味道翻译出来。当你置身与一个环境,没有人和你相同,自己又不想随着那个环境变成自己不想变成的人,那么很好恭喜你 成为异类。有时候虽然成为异类不见得是一件坏事,但是其中遭受的 peer pressure , 怎么说呢,作者的这种压力算是无法选择的,不是我们大家都有滑板鞋我没有就是异类的那种,默默承受压力 让作者developed thick skin ,但是孩子还是孩子,所有最后作者没听妈妈的话,告诉了Abel 最后两人去教训了那个小孩,Abel下手没轻重 过程不是 go to teach him a lesson 变成了作者自己也满腹罪恶感,孩子之间的“战争” 大人的插手 ,让作者觉得自己和那些人也无异。
He thought he was coming to defend the honor of his family. He felt happy to escape with his life.
虽然逃了,但也来了/ 虽然来了,但是逃了
突然想到小时候,妈妈跟我讲的跟小朋友闹矛盾不要回家讲,自己解决,大人没办法管。(啊哈,所以小时候我也是一方霸主 哈哈)