Book report onThe Life and Adven

作者: 曦城365 | 来源:发表于2016-10-03 23:44 被阅读22次

    Book report onThe Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

    The book,The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,

    tells about a story tha tRobinson Crusoe spent about several years on a neglected island, where hehave been isolated from his country and relatives. It is optimistic attitudethat plays an important role in his life. The optimistic attitude of RobinsonCrusoe will be discussed in next paragraphs.

    Optimistic attitude means to set our heart on the good things and give up complaining about the bad things in times of adversity or distress.

    When Crusoe suffered the miseries that there was no food supply, no familiar crew but a horrible island, he did not succumb to the circumstances. He began to comfort himself as well as he could by writing. He made a list and wrote down worsethings. Then he made an endeavor to think about these things in another way. Forinstance, he wrote the evil thing that he did not have clothes to cover him. However,he distinguished his case from worse. He stated that he was in a hot climateand he may not need to wear clothes. It is beyond dispute that stay optimisticis of vital importance when we are confronted with difficulties.

    Having an optimistic attitude may help us cling to the hope. Without an optimisticattitude, Crusoe would not survive successfully. The optimistic attitudeinduced him to posses the hope of making a living on the island, which wasessential to his solitary life. The author not only told us the significance ofa positive attitude, but also the method of casting it. During the adventure, Crusoepicked up the Bible and read it seriously, where he found his way and becamemore optimistic. It reminds us of an indispensable rule that books make us bemore positive.

    With anoptimistic attitude, life is easy and pleasant. Crusoe kept optimistic andeventually he went back to his hometown. It can be concluded that a positiveattitude inspires people to resolve trouble. It is said that “A pessimist seesthe difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in everydifficulty.” by Winston Churchill. We can learn that optimistic people arelikely to lead an amazing life.

    In a nutshell, this book impressed me with a fabulous story. It is encouraging that we are supposed to hold an optimistic attitude in our daily life.



        本文标题:Book report onThe Life and Adven
