English & 中文
come to a comfortable seated position 來到一個舒適的坐姿
find a position that's comfortable 找到一個舒適的姿勢
place your hands on your knees, sit straight and tall, close your eyes
spine vertical 脊柱立直
head and shoulders are directly above the pelvis
check your shoulders, let them relax
let your shoulders drop 雙肩下沈
relax your mouth 口腔放鬆
soften your face 面部柔軟
let your belly soften and relax 腹部柔軟放鬆
direct your senses inwards 將感官內收
experience the present moment 體驗當下
relax deeply 深度放鬆
completely relax 完全放鬆
let go of tension 釋放壓力
take some deep breaths 深呼吸
breathe in relaxation 吸氣放鬆
breathe out tension 呼氣釋放壓力
breathe in deeply 深深地吸氣
breathe out slowly 緩緩地呼氣
noticing the in and out of the breath 注意到(自己的)一吸、一呼
bring your attention to your body 把注意力帶到身體上
bring the awareness to your breath 覺知放在呼吸上
If you find your mind wandering, bring it back to the sensations of your pose and the awareness of your breath.
let everything give way to gravity,and let your body sink into the mat
feel your feet heavy on the floor 感受到雙腳沈重,沈向地面
simply aware of whatever your are experiencing,not trying to change it,or resisting anything.
Breathing deeply will relax your muscles
and give you energy
take on one more deep breath 再一次深呼吸
allow the breath return to normal 讓呼吸恢復到正常
when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes