在北京时我曾经也有过这样的经历,那个时候每个月都要去爬山,和朋友或者驴友走那些熟悉得不能再熟悉的徒步路线,偶尔我也会独自去走,有一个冬天不知怎么的决定自己走别人没有走过的路线,就好像电影中Alex决定去恶劣的阿拉斯加山野独自生活几个月,用了两年的准备期后所有他觉得具备的条件都具备后义无反顾去了荒野。所有这一切他给自己的理由就是“Just want to let you know you are great man" 。在穿过荒废已久的树林小路时天渐黑,下山的路估计最快还要两个小时,那个时候无助感几乎覆盖整个大脑,是留下来在树林中生个篝火度过黑夜还是继续往前?虽然带有打火机和压缩饼干,但没有御寒衣物独自度过寒冷的黑夜是很危险的。无论怎样都要走出去。很快走到了一个岔路,一条是陡坡可以很快下山,一条是延伸的平路。天渐黑如果走陡坡下山还能在天黑前出山,我知道在黑夜里走山路即使你有照明灯也是很危险的,于是决定从陡坡下山。下山的陡坡是石头路,几乎没有多少树木遮挡,但因为平时爬山中我非常清楚自己可以很好控制下山的身体平衡,这也是我决定走陡坡没有多想的原因。这个决定非常明智,一刻钟不到就很快下了山,虽然下山路途中遇到过比较险要的情况,很幸运都很冷静的解决通过。
影片讲述了主人公Alex(他称自己作Alexander Supertramp)为了寻找自我、寻找“生命的智慧”而在大学毕业后,毅然抛弃一切,独自向西(traveling without goals),并且记下旅行所见以及在阿拉斯加生活的故事。
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods.
There is a rapture on the lonely shore.
There is society,where none intrudes.
By the deep sea,and music in its roar.
I love not man less,but Nature more.
——Lord Byron
--"You're wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God's placed it all around us.It's in everything.It's anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things."
--"There's some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate,and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love. And when you love,God's light shines on you."
当然,令人回味的场景还有许多,比如Alex在想要射杀母鹿时眼神中流露出的犹豫,将最后一枚硬币送给老人,在峡谷中M和S对他发出邀请时的温暖,还有死亡前说的那句话“What if I were smiling and running into your arms. Would you see then,what I see now.”(也许Alex对于不告而行有一些愧疚,可同样也从wild中得到心灵的解脱。至今仍然不是很明白这句话)
最终,因为河汛的来临,Alex被困在荒野中,虚弱而死。(看到最后一段处,感觉十分心酸。多么希望他能获救,回到社会中,然后谅解了父母,成为Ron的外孙,与Tracy相恋。这样的结局该是多么美好,可这种想法连自己都感觉太过天真可笑。)对于他的做法,褒贬不一,比如说不管自己的父母怎样伤心不告而别,没有一定的规划,不留后路,因而认为他自私,没有理智。但是,"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason,the possibility of life is destroyed."
"I have had a happy life and thank the lord. Good bye and may god bless all!"
之于观影者的我们,我想更多地应该是思考。关于幸福?关于自由?自己该以怎样的态度来面对自己的生活?This is our life。我想,这才是西恩潘苦等十年来拍此片的本意吧。
1. You think you have to want more than you need.Until you have it all you won't be freed.When you want more than you have you think you need,your thoughts begin to bleed.
2. If you want something in life,reach out and grab it.
3. You're wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God's placed it all around us.It's in everything.It's anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things.
4. There's some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate,and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,God's light shines on you.
5. Happiness only real when shared.