deeptools bamCoverage无法识别bam文件

deeptools bamCoverage无法识别bam文件

作者: JeremyL | 来源:发表于2018-05-20 17:43 被阅读304次


    $ bamCoverage -b test.bam -o test.bw
    The file 'test.bam' does not have BAM or CRAM format


    $ deeptools
    [ Tools for BAM and bigWig file processing ]
        multiBamSummary         compute read coverages over bam files. Output used for plotCorrelation or plotPCA
        multiBigwigSummary      extract scores from bigwig files. Output used for plotCorrelation or plotPCA
        correctGCBias           corrects GC bias from bam file. Don't use it with ChIP data
        bamCoverage             computes read coverage per bins or regions
        bamCompare              computes log2 ratio and other operations of read coverage of two samples per bins or regions
        bigwigCompare           computes log2 ratio and other operations from bigwig scores of two samples per bins or regions
        computeMatrix           prepares the data from bigwig scores for plotting with plotHeatmap or plotProfile
    [ Tools for QC ]
        plotCorrelation         plots heatmaps or scatterplots of data correlation
        plotPCA                 plots PCA
        plotFingerprint         plots the distribution of enriched regions
        bamPEFragmentSize       returns the read length and paired-end distance from a bam file
        computeGCBias           computes and plots the GC bias of a sample
        plotCoverage            plots a histogram of read coverage
    [Heatmaps and summary plots]
        plotHeatmap             plots one or multiple heatmaps of user selected regions over different genomic scores
        plotProfile             plots the average profile of user selected regions over different genomic scores
        plotEnrichment          plots the read/fragment coverage of one or more sets of regions
        computeMatrixOperations Modifies the output of computeMatrix in a variety of ways.



    $ deeptools --version
    deepTools 3.0.2



    $ mkdir deepTools &&  cd deepTools  
    $ git clone https://github.com/fidelram/deepTools ## 130M,
    $ cd deepTools
    $ python setup.py install --user
    $ deeptools --version
    deepTools 3.0.2
    $ bamCoverage -b test.bam -o test.bw
    The file 'test.bam' does not have BAM or CRAM format


    $ sudo pip install deepTools==2.5.3
    $ deeptools --version
    deeptools 2.5.7
    $ bamCoverage -b test.bam -o test.bw
    test.bam does not appear to have an index. You MUST index the file first!
    $ samtools index test.bam
    $ bamCoverage -b test.bam -o test.bw

    NOW,it's ok!



        本文标题:deeptools bamCoverage无法识别bam文件
