
那么问题来了,该怎么问路呢? 首先不管三七二十一先说 Excuse me,问一下某某地方怎么走。
Excuse me, how do I get to ..., please?
Excuse me, where is the ...?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ...?
Excuse me, is there ... around here?

别人问路后就开始调动大脑所有和方位有关的词汇,left, right,go straight ......
go 是高频的单词,go 和各种介词搭配在一起,衍生出各种各样的表达。

go right / left / down / up / through / along / straight / over etc 就说你晕不晕。
go right / left / down / up 就不用多说了,指向右,向左,往下,往上走
go over the bridge 走过桥 over 表示在正上方
go through the park 穿过公园 through 表示在物体内部穿过
go past the bank 经过银行 past 表示从面前经过
go straight / along 就是直走的意思。

Walk across the street 过马路 across 表示从物体表面穿过,从一边到另一边,横穿
Stay on (road name) for 50 meters. 在这条街上走上50米
Take the first (turn / turning) on the left. 在第一个路口往左转。 那么在第二个路口往右转就是 take the second on the right.
Diagonally opposite to the post office
diagonally 表示不在正对面,而在斜对面上。
It is a one way lane. 单行道
There might be road repairs. 在修路
Turn left and you will be there.
这里要注意 turn 和 go 的区别, 当你在马路上走的时候,千万不要Turn left, turn right 之类的。只有开车的时候才叫 turn.


Sorry I am not from around here.
I'm afraid I can not help you.
Sorry, I have no idea where it is.
Sorry, I do not know.
