
作者: 多多侠 | 来源:发表于2018-01-21 10:52 被阅读145次


    Returning Home

    By He Zhizhang

    A youngster I left home; an old man I come back.

    Still the same my accent, hair on head is what I lack.

    Kids of folks know me not; they see a stranger on his way.

    Curious smiles on their face, "where are you from", ask they.


    Home Returning

    Poem/He Zhizhang, Translation/Shu Jihuai

    Embarked on my voyage as a youngster, though I finally returned much older

    My tongue barely changed, but hair grew grey, and thinner

    A little folk encountered me as a stranger

    Asked with a curious smile, where are you from, my dear visitor?


    A poem about Hometown

    Translated by Samson

    I become old at my back home day,

    while I was a boy when going away.

    Speaking the same dialect everyday,

    All my hair have turned grey.

    I walk in my village when the trees sway,

    but children don't know me and run away,

    They laugh and wonder where I am from,

    Call me a stranger and ask me where to stay.



    I bade farewells to my hometown when I was young, but returned much older on this day,

    My tongue is the same though my hair grew gray.

    Little ones look at me as a complete stranger,

    "Where are you from?", with smiles they ask the visitor from away.



