English is the Express lane

作者: lisa4ping | 来源:发表于2019-03-16 05:25 被阅读61次

    Challenge English day after day

    In and out in the school many years

    Like a honey bee fly and fly to work hard

    But words grown like a turtle slow

    Even though my English is still not perfect

    English forest should continue to grow

    Fly in the English world

    Like seagulls hover over the surging waves

    When the words dance in my head               

    My face very sunny bright

    English is the Express lane                                                   

    Wish leaning words secret fast I can

    The powerful English connect world

    English as like speeding away in the fast lane

    Connection business you and I

    My English tree slowly grow

    English like an ancient building

    The foundation on up is all depends on a single brick

    The words is like brick

    words is the gives make my live like a rainbow                                         



        本文标题:English is the Express lane
