In the morning class (8:20) I worked with kids from one school, they are beginners, after warm-up, coordination exercises and others fun games; the training focused on dibbling by different parts of the foot (inside and outside), every player has his/her own ball and tried to perform that exercises Dribbling with inside, outside and both; many exercises were done progressively. By the end they played a game 4v4. The young players are interested in playing despite their level which is low.
The second class (10:30), we had many children and there was a test. After a 20minutes warm-up with different exercises with the ball: dribble the ball and try to find and shoot on the coach, rolling the ball from the goal line to the penalty area line, step over movement …
The training focused dribbling the ball and passing, while dribbling the step over feint was performed and the children tried to do it perfectly.
During the game time; I had three teams with four players each team, two teams play 6minutes and the loosing team leave the pitch, if the team wins two successive times, I give break to the winning team. The players have been happy with the game and were determined to win.