This Sunday the weather was cool for training.

At 8:20 First class: we had 10 students around 10years of age. The training started later, the players arrived at 8:30 and some arrived after that time. The training focused on dribbling and passing. Different types of dribbling were performed (inside and outside of the foot), their level is not too good but with time they can improve their technical skills.

After passing exercises they did 1v1 exercise. They played normal game about 30min 5v5. Their parents were happy to see them playing.
10:30 The second class, Number of players (16kids)

Warmup: they did warm up with ball,different exercises were performed (joggling, dribbling-one step one touch, push the ball with sole); later dribbling was combined to running exercise:

A group is made up of 4/3 players on line X1, X2, X3, X4
X1 dribbles the ball and stop it on the first cone and go back to tag X2, X2 run to the ball and dribbles the ball to the 2nd cone and go back to tag X3…, X4 after stopping the ball at the 4th cone go.and tag X1 who dribbles from 4th cone to the 3rd one and so on, the group that finish first first get one point, the distance bewteen cones is about 5m.
The training main topic was dribbling, they dribble and players were required to perform the exercise with both feet. After they did shooting on goal: the players were divided in two group, after shooting on goal the player plays defense.

They played normal game 4v4