美文网首页Yoga writing 007成长营1期


作者: ShawnaHUA | 来源:发表于2018-12-17 19:53 被阅读16次

腳 & 腿:Feet & Legs:

左腳向前一步來到戰士一 Step the left foot forward into Warrior I

腳跟放在墊子上  Rest your heels on the mat

膝蓋骨和大腿往上拉以伸直雙腿  Pull up on your kneecaps and thighs to straighten your legs

站立的腿保持有力  Keep the standing leg strong

膝蓋收向胸口  Bring the knees towards the chest

向前穿越到坐山式  Jump through to Dandasana

右腿擺向右側  Swing your right leg to your right side

抓住腳外側  Take the sides of your feet

雙腿大大打開  Open your legs wide


以坐骨為根基保持平衡  Balance on the sit bones

坐骨向下  Point your sit bones down

左髖保持下沈  keep your left hip down

臀部上抬離開地面  lift your bottom off the mat


啓用收束以保護下後背  Engage your bandhas to protect your lowerback

背部抬高並完全離開墊子  Raise your back completely off the mat


打開胸腔並抬頭  Open up your chest and lift your head

手臂 & 手:Arms & Hands:

手臂上舉  Arms up

伸直手臂  Straighten your arms

手落低放在膝蓋上  Hands down onto your knees

如果可以的話抓手腕  Hold your wrist if you can

雙手放身體兩側  Hands to your sides


下巴微微內收  Tuck the chin slightly in

頭碰膝(頭找向膝蓋) Head to knee

下巴著地  Touch your chin to the floor


身體上抬離開地面  Lift your body off the floor

躺下  Lie down

跳回到山式  Jump to Samasthiti



