

作者: 爱做白日梦的虾皇饺小姐 | 来源:发表于2019-03-07 15:41 被阅读1次


She has learned the Four Books by heart. It would be better to read the Five Classics now. But the Book of Change on the sunny and the shady side would be too philosophical and the Book of History too political for young maidens. Spring and Autumn Annals and the Book of Rites seem fragmentary. The Book of Poetry which begins with Cooing and Wooing is easy to read and its four-character lines easy to learn by heart. Besides, it is our traditional reading, so let her study Poetry. We still have many other books, but they are not fit for maidens.


A riot of deep purple and bright red, What pity on the ruins they overspread!

Why does Heaven give us brilliant day and dazzling sight?

Whose house could boast of a sweeter delight?



I knit my eyebrows green Like the mountain on the screen.

Why should my quilt restrain my tender heart?

My languor comes not from the part Of the moon's sorrow To see me in bed till the morrow.

Do I regret the fallen flower, So early I went out of my bower?


Awake from dream of untrodden winding way, I find my soul in deep boudoir astray.

Like mist-veiled bloom Or moonlit gloom My amorous heart looks at break of day.



I ask from which part of the boundless sky Rises the icy moon so high.

Who would make medicine For the Moon Goddess so thin?

Why should the west wind blow away My dream, of which no trace could stay?

How could I meet my love again? Could he be an immortal to give me pain?

Otherwise how Could he make me knit my brow?

How could the grief Gnaw at my heart beyond belief?


Palm leaves cannot retain rain drops; On peony tips the breeze stops.

A half clear sketch arrests the eye On my way to Spring with head high.


Lonely I lived; lonely I die. A lover calls; the beloved won't reply.


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