

作者: 大鱼_BigFish | 来源:发表于2018-08-21 19:12 被阅读0次

此文为How Economy machines works视频的笔记2/3部分。重点解释了债务以及周期的产生。


1. 人们劳动生产率是持续提高的,但短期内不影响经济波动

2. 除了我们拿在手里,放在银行里的钱是钱,借贷的钱更是经济的主体部分,有借就有还,“借”和“还”影响消费,影响生产,从而导致产生周期

3. 经济波动是有周期性的, 这周期性根据借贷周期分短期和长期两种,背后的根本原因是人性;

4. 我们无时不刻不处在周期当中,只不过距离太近看不到全景图片(就像天圆地方一样)。



The productivity is growing with our accumulated knowledge in the long run but it doesn't fluctuate much.

Debt allows us to consume more/less than we produce, depending on when we acquire/pay it.

Debt is good when it efficiently allocate resources and generate income while it's bad when it finances over sth. tan can't be paid back.

The borrowing cycle

Phase 1: Expansion. Spending fueled by credit increased.

Phase 2: Inflation.  When the amount of spending and income grow faster than the production, it will cause inflation.

Phase 3: Recession. Interest rates were raised by central bank to resist the inflation. and this will cause less borrowing, less spending, thus less income. This is the deflation.

Phase 4: New Expansion.When inflation is no longer a problem, central bank will lower interests rates to encourage borrowing and another expansion begin.


Spending is constrained only by the willingness of lenders/borrowers to provide/receive credit.

The interests rate affects the availability of credit.

The short term debt cycle is primarily controlled by the central bank.

Short term debt cycle

Time span: 5-8 years.

The debt increased each cycle due to people have an inclination to borrow/spend more instead of paying back.

Long term debt cycle

When debts rise faster than incomes, it creates the long term debt cycle.


Incomes rising, asset values going up, stock market roars;

Borrowing money to buy goods, services and assets;

Despite people becoming more indebted, lenders even more freely extend credit.

Debt burden:

The ratio of debt to income;

As long as incomes increases, the debt burden stays manageable; people will borrow more money to invest;

With rising incomes and assets values, the borrowers remain credit worthy even with lots of debt;

However, it cannot continue forever. At some point, debt repayments start growing faster than incomes;

This forced people to cut back on spending, thus less income, less credit worthy, causing borrowing to go down.


Cut spending- incomes fall- credit disappears- asset prices drop- bank gets squeezed- the stock market crashes- social tensions rise;

Borrowers can no longer borrow enough money to make their debt repayments, so they are forced to sell assets;

Assets floods the market and spending fall- the value of collateral drops- make borrowers less credit worthy;

The difference with the recession: borrowers debt burdens have gotten too big and can’t be relieved by lowering interest rates.

Lenders realize that debts are too large to be paid back; Borrowers lost their ability to repay and the collateral price dropped; So, they both stop lending and borrowing.


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