- Perdition #Something new today 2
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n. 毁灭,破灭;地狱. 1. 永灭;沉沦 2. 精神崩溃;丢失灵魂 3. 地狱;作恶者的末路 4. [古语]浩劫;毁灭
n. (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment
这个词是写东西时候,prediction拼错了,自动拼写校正没在意建议出来,之后被英国同事发现科普了一下。这说的可是一个真·罪大恶极罪恶滔天天理难容的人,身体死去,还要去地狱受永久无限折磨无穷无尽赎罪,基本就是top top的bad ending。
(不过想想神话故事里,被罚永远受折磨的,好像是位英雄,为人类盗取了火种,故事来体现神的小气和报复心啊~ 唔~)
Road to Perdition, 还是个小说改编的电影,2002年的。并没看过。豆瓣7.7分还蛮高吖。黑帮,杀手,家庭,父子,追杀,信念,亲情,复杂人性。恩,还是小老百姓的生活踏实。
If you say that someone is on the road to perdition, you mean that their behaviour is likely to lead them to failure and punishment.
The Road to Perdition was a cold, implacable gangster movie, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Tom Hanks, Jude Law and Daniel Craig.

H. Jackson Brown Jr, 是个American - Author,生于 1940年, 还活着。似乎就是位专门写鸡汤小书,感染人心的大叔。
一长长串书名:Life's Little Treasure Book on Joy / success / love / parenting / hope / mothers / fathers / christmas memories etc
Life's Little Instruction Book (volumes I, II, and III)
Life's Little Instructions from the Bible (with Rosemary C. Brown)
Life's Little Instruction Book for Incurable Romantics (with Robyn Spizman)
Life's Little Instruction Book from Mothers to Daughters (with Kim Shea)