This weekend of December 8th and 9th for the 1st group starting from 08:20 to 10:20 am, Kids from 西中街小学didn’t come for training.
And from 10:30 to 12:30am, I had about 10 kids from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather cold with high level of wind.
Topic: Ball control (Dribble, Pass, Receive the ball)
1。Warm up
Content 1

I started with a fun game where 2 players Number 1 and 2 make a group, and in a limited area of 20 x 20 m, Number 1 dribble the ball and protect as much as he can, player Number 2 try to take the ball from number 1 player, if someone put the ball outside the boundaries of pitch, the ball belongs to his opponent.
I also introduced some escaping movements like step up on the ball, pull it back, turn over and control it again
Technical drills
Content 1

This exercises consist of 5 groups of 2 kids per group, consist dribbling the form one goal, reaching the center square make a step up on the ball move, pull it back, turn over and the ball and passing back to his own groupmate by making an accurate pass between 2 cones.
Content 2

It the same situation as in content 1, but with an additional challenge of not passing the ball back to your own group mate, but look for other new goal and there the kids should pay attention of not passing the 2 balls in one goal at the same time The players try to increase the speed and accuracy of each movement and the try to keep their head up
This exercise is working not only on improving their technical skills, but also it work on the cognitive and mental skills needed in a really soccer game.
3. Match

They played 5 v5 where each team must appoint 2 defenders and change them every 3minutes, the defenders were not allowed to stay inside their own goal, nor to cross their own half ground, with the purpose of introducing the way of playing according to position, and avoid that issue of beginners player of getting together and follow the ball. The game was amazing and improvements were noticed.
