1. Take care of yourself.
It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.
Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups, Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.
2. Establing and keeping a routine can be even more important than having a lost of time.
重要的不是你有多少时间,而是怎样安排你的时间, 如何每天坚持你的梦想。
Figure out what time you can carve out, what time you can steal, and stick to your routine. Do the work every day, no matter what. No holidays, no sick days, Don’t stop
3. get yourself a calendar
4. Keep a logbook.
The small details will help you remember the big details.
5. Marry well.
A good partner keeps you grounded. 哈哈,这点算是完美达成了
6. choose what to leave out.
In this age of information abundance and overload, those who get ahead will be the folks who figure out what to leave out, so they can concentrate on what’s really important to them.