

作者: 9a66c8f8a30c | 来源:发表于2018-07-18 10:38 被阅读12次


    Han Yangxiong's "Dialects" four said: "Hey, accept also." That is to accommodate, accept the meaning. After Buddhism was introduced to China, it also referred to the excavation of rock cliffs as a room, and the placement of Buddha statues. It can be seen in the grottoes such as Yungang, Longmen and Dunhuang in China. Since then, stone,

    wood or other materials have been made into cabinet-shaped small pavilions for worshipping Buddha statues, but most of them are carried out in the same period as the Buddhist temple buildings, and the size of the larger Buddhist altars. In the Forbidden City, small-scale supply that is independent of the main body of the building and can be demolished at any time and has various combinations with the Buddha image, far exceeds the traditional Buddhist altar in terms of quantity, style and artistic characteristics.

    清木雕随身佛龛 保利春拍466万


    What we see today is a rare portable agarwood carving Buddha of the Qing Emperor Qianlong. The woodcarving Buddha in ancient times is generally a famous woodcarving master who is qualified to engrave, which is different from modern machine carving. Each pattern is an embodiment of art, and you can discover the different carving techniques of each dynasty and the style of belief in Buddha images.

    清木雕随身佛龛 保利春拍466万

    《大般若波罗蜜多经》:卷第一百三唐三藏法师玄奘 奉诏译初分摄受品第二十九之五“憍尸迦!若善男子、善女人等,怖畏怨家、恶兽、灾横、厌祷、疾疫、毒、药、咒等,应书般若波罗蜜多大神咒王,随多少分香囊盛贮,置宝筒中,恒随逐身恭敬供养,诸怖畏事皆自消除,天龙、鬼神常守卫故。”

    "Big Prajna Paramita": Volume One hundred and three Tang Tangzang Master Xuanzang Feng Yi translation of the first sub-photograph of the twenty-ninth "squatting corpse! If good man, good woman, etc., fear of resentment, Evil beasts, disasters, sorrows, plagues, poisons, medicines, curses, etc., should be like Prajna Paramita, the number of sacrificial sacs, with a number of sachets in the treasure, in the treasure tube, Heng with respect to the body to support, all fear Everything is self-eliminating, and Tianlong and Ghosts are always guarding the cause."



    For the Buddha's small room, the Buddha Temple is a small Buddhist temple or Buddhist temple. "龛" originally meant that the excavation rock cliff was empty, to house the statue, and the placement of the Buddha image was called "Buddha". According to the volume of the "Focus on the Three Buddhas of the Buddha", the four must have a chamber, there are countless Buddhas. "Da Bu Po Sha" on the volume of 177 records: the bottom of the Buddha to the mountain, into the glass 龛, sit, into the fire defined. In today's major Buddhist relics, such as Yungang, Longmen and other grottoes, all the walls are pierced with the chambers of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Later generations turned to stone or wood, made into a cabinet shape, and set a threshold for the Buddha statue.



    This is a rare large-scale portable agarwood carved Buddha of the Qing Emperor Qianlong. It is a small-sized Buddhist altar with a small open door. It has a cave-like interior. It is convenient for carrying Buddhas when going out, and the central position of the upper part of the Buddhist altar; the main statue is round and sleek, and the appearance is peaceful.

    Compassionate and dignified, King Kong sits on the throne of the Lotus, and there is also a Buddha with a crown on the two sides of the threshold. The lower three grids are for the supporters and the guardian statues. They are decorated with plums, orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboos. The carvings are exquisitely carved, and the two sides of the Buddhist altar are engraved with Bodhi and the descendants.


    最为难得的是这尊佛龛还是用百年沉香木雕成,一块优质的沉香木要数百年甚至上千年才能形成,因此产量极少,市场供不应求,因此十分珍贵,具有很高的收藏价值。在2013年保利春拍上一件相同款式的清 木雕随身佛龛就拍出了保利466万的天价,小编从英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行驻大陆办事处亿缘文化了解到这尊稀有的大清乾隆年制便携式沉香木雕沉香木雕梅兰竹菊纹佛龛佛龛将参加英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行ukrothschild新加坡拍卖会,这正是我们近距离接触尊稀有的大清乾隆年制便携式沉香木雕佛龛的好机会。

    The most rare thing is that this Buddha is still carved with a hundred years of agarwood. A high-quality agarwood can only be formed for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. Therefore, the output is extremely small, and the market is in short supply. Therefore, it is very precious and has a high collection value. In 2013, Pauli Chun took a piece of the same style of pure wood carvings and took a price of 3.66 million.

    Xiao Bian learned from the British Rothschild auction office in the mainland, Yiyuan culture, this rare Daqing Qianlong's annual portable agarwood carving Buddha will participate in the ukrothschild Singapore auction in Rothschild, UK. This is a good opportunity for us to get close to the rare and colorful Aquila wood carving Buddha.



