Things would be different if we make another choice. And what prevents us from making a better one? We wonder, we ponder, we hesitate, we linger around, we struggle along. And we miss a lot of possibilities along the way.
We lack the time to figure out something different. We are away of any potential to make an adjustment to fit in in a better way when we are busy all day or trapped in that kind of embarrassing pattern where we spend the day as something doomed, repeating it without any improvement or alteration for an efficient and effective life style. We get stuck once we are full occupied and don't have any time for a real reflection for alteration, no matter how busy we are on the surface.
We are too tired to find something new in life. There is no more energy for other option if we are exhausted by things happening around. The more fatigued one becomes, the less likely that he will try anything different from what he usually experiences as part of daily life, since every change demands strength and effort.
We are numb with the routine and without the interest to try something fresh. Stay hungry, stay foolish, and that's the secret to stay away from numbness. Fighting against imperception and that's how we get sensitive to new things and different experiences which may guide us to more possibilities.
Our idea gets limited by the thought fixed and rigid. Once we are satisfied with what we have or think that the way we have lived through does not need any improvement, we will stand still and refuse moving anywhere else for something better.
Our attention is binding to something energy taking but meaningless. Energy is a limited resource, and if we pay too much attention to what others may think of us or how angry or uncomfortable others make us feel, we may have little vigor to self cultivation and the potential better ending we may have.