
作者: 金园公子 | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 16:01 被阅读3次


It is not teachers. It is only the principal, because it is illeagal for teachers. When I was in school, I skip a class and they would catch me and send me to the office. "which one do you want, two days of morning detention or two legs, two paddles". I said, "shit, give me legs, give me paddles, because a paddle, it's over, fuck it over, your punishment over. Okay, now if you take detention, you have to wake up fucking early and be there at the school early, you know for at least an hour before school starts everything. So you're robbing yourself asleep. It's harder to do that than to take two paddles. Your ass doesn't hurt that long. You know what i'm saying? Like twenty minutes, your ass is done. It's all good. I sit down whatever.

Shit, I remember me and my friend Court. We went to the pricipal office one time to get paddles , and we were laughing when we walked out of there, laughing loud. And it's funny because all the person, like the secretary, whatever you know. When we come out laughing and they're like, what the fuck? They you know, they didn't really know what happened. You know, you're not supposed to come out laughing, getting a spanking. I don't even know what we did. But whatever it was, I watched my friend the pale look on his face. I was laughing my ass off and then he started laughing too, and then we just both walked. I am sure probably the assistant principal laughed after we left the room, you know, because they can't laugh in front of us or whatever.

Mr. Palmer, he didn't like punishing kids. When he would give you a paddle. It was like..., yeah, you don't see, it didn't hurt at all. Mr. Miller was the principal. Mr. Palmer was the assistant principal. And Mr Palmer, he was big. He was this big. I don't want him to be mad. But he would never really give you his all. Man, you know, he's just a sweet. He's like a big teddy bear, almost.

Mr Miller, he was smaller than him, but he wasn't small. He is just average size man. But he would whip your ass. My mom told him if I have anything on any papers, I gotta go to the principal office to get a paddling.

M: "Oh, she allows him?"

G: "Yeah, she told him personally, hey, after lunch, you need to go to Mr. Miller's office. So I got fucking paddling, man.



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