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作者: 快乐有你_1ec8 | 来源:发表于2019-04-09 04:14 被阅读0次


Hey,do you believe in aliens?

Yeah, I do. How about you ?

Me,too. I think they live somewhere far away from us.

Why don't they come to Earth?

Maybe they are trying to find us.

Sooner or later, they will.

Do you think we should contact them?

No. It's very dangerous if we take the first step.

But they may think the same!

Yeah, But we can't take the risk.

I wish I could see the aliens one day.

To see if they have green faces and big eyes?


Oh my gosh! It's so cold today.

Yeah. It's freezing out there!

We should just stay at home and never go out.

I wish I could go to the North.

It's even colder there, like 10 degrees below zero.

Yeah, but they have heaters at home !

You mean it's pretty warm inside the house?

Right. It's warm enough that they can just wear a T-shirt.

Whoa! Then I wanna go there,too!


Look,Emily just posted new travel photos.

Again? How does she take so many vacations?

I have no idea.

Does she even work?

Yes, she works as online teacher.

That's news to me.

Maybe it's because she never posts anything about work.

Yeah. Work isn't as fun as traveling.

I agree. I wanna go traveling.

Me too. Let's go to Paris next month.

Great. Paris is my dream city!




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