编者按: 本篇是为我的儿子写的,Jeremy Lin是他的偶像,他还太小(两岁半),所以因为看林书豪集锦太多甚至以为林书豪是和篮球等价的,天天说要打篮球和Jeremy Lin。希望不远的将来他能实现自己的梦想,打NBA。

[00:44] So it was like my second or third home game...and they were like:"sorry, this is the players entrance", and I was like: "I know". --Sb. was like: 最常见的叙事方法,当你要像别人描述一件事时,就用这个句式He was like, I was like.
[01:22] Lin, puts it up. Bang! -- put sth. up:提升;使升高。bang通常指碰撞的声音,在此处指球进了。
[02:42] Jeremy Lin, and you hear a pretty big ovation. -- ovation:热烈鼓掌;热烈欢迎。
[02:55] I know God orchestrated this whole thing. There is just too much out of my control. And just the way it happened is just miraculous. -- orchestrate:精心安排;策划。如果你想用plan的时候,想想能不能用orchestrate。miraculous:奇迹般的,miracle的形容词。
[04:31] This dream starts in Palo Alto, California, a suburb of San Francisco, where a young man learns about faith, perseverance and opportunity. -- Palo Alto, California:地名 硅谷的中心,斯坦福大学所在地。perseverance: 坚持不懈的精神。
[08:01] In the beginning, they weren't sure how long I would play basketball, so they were just gonna ride it out and have fun with it as long as they could. -- ride sth. out:安然度过(难关);经受得住
[10:10] I would hang from monkey bars. -- monkey bars: (供儿童攀爬游戏的)猴架单杠。见下图:

[11:18] In high school, he knew he could get by and do well on his talent. -- get by (on sth.) (依靠某物就)可以维持; talent:天赋。但翻译为"个人能力"更符合中文习惯。
[11:51] I was starting to get a big head, thinking I was sweet and everything, and then I get hurt. -- big head: 自负,傲慢
[12:28] I just pretty much broke down, I broke down crying. Up until then, I'd never gone through any serious tragedy. -- break down: 情不自禁地哭起来。
[17:19] Lin is gonna have to launch a 25-footer. Oh, it went in! Did he call that? I think he called that. -- call在这里的意思类似于call the shots里的call,表示make decisions。此处林书豪命中打板三分,call that表示他自己决定的投打板三分而不是蒙进的。
[17:28] No one gives them a prayer with the atheletes and the thoroughbreds that Monarchs have. -- not having a prayer表示做某事没有成功的机会;thoroughbred:种马。此处是比喻。
[17:52] Jeremy Lin was the best basketball player here, but yet colleges weren't clamoring for him. He just didn't fit the mold. -- clamor for sb./sth. 大声嚷嚷要求某人或某物; not fit the mold: 非典型,此处指林书豪不是典型的篮球运动员模版(比如不是黑人也不高)
[20:34] My first day at class, I was just super intimidated. -- intimidated: 胆怯的,害怕的。别用scared,用intimidated。
[21:00] I couldn't read it, so I turned it in again, and that was back-to-back failed tests without even filling in an answer. -- back-to-back 连续(两次),背靠背
[22:43] I think he wanted to play in the style and the system, that we were going to implement, which is gonna be high-octane. And he is a hard-charging, aggressive, fearless player. -- high octane: octane是辛烷,用来防止或减轻汽油在引擎内燃烧时产生的爆震。high octane在美国成为习语是因为加油站广告经常提到,进而引申为powerful,energetic的意思。hard-charging: determined, aggressive & forceful.
[28:11] The thing I am interested in is race and discrimination rears its ugly head. -- sth. rears its ugly head: (不好的事情)发生
[28:20] I was really interested in seeing if a team would take the plunge and take this Asian-American player. -- take the plunge:(考虑后)决定
[35:19] I think we have to be honest with ourselves. There was definitely a marketing element to it. I mean, he is a home-town guy. This area has a significant Asian-American population. And the way it played out, people went bonkers for that. -- go bonkers:=go crazy;为之疯狂
[35:30] A lot of what America perceives as Asian is very foreign. Yao Ming was kind of quintessential example of that. -- quintessential:typical的替换词汇。完美的(例子)
[36:29] The D-League, you know, it's a showcase. People don't care how many wins you have. All they care about is your stats. -- showcase: 展示的场合;陈列区
[37:20] I called my brother. I was like, "I'm trippin' right now, like, I don't know what's going on." -- trippin': behave weird;此处的意思是not himself
[37:32] I think for him, the journey was wearing on him... at a certain point, it just feels like insurmountable for him. -- wear on sb.:消磨某人的精力和意志; insurmountable: 无法克服的
[37:50] I think getting sent back and forth and the constant Yo-yo effect of being taken up and sent back down, the cumulative effect of it weighed heavily on him. -- Yo-yo effect: 常指"减肥->吃->增肥->痛定思痛->减肥"的恶性循环。此处是比喻,指林书豪被"下放至发展联盟->征召回NBA->重新下放回发展联盟"的恶性循环; weigh on sb.:给某人心理压力
[45:42] And I think hard work is definitely ingrained in Taiwanese culture, in Chinese culture. ingrained: 根深蒂固的
[47:54] That's the other part, getting into the cranium to get him to believe like I believe in him. -- cranium:~=skull;头盖骨
[49:30] So I was like, "Man, this is a blow. I mean, this's a kick in the stomach right here. -- blow:打击; kick in the stomach:沉痛的打击
[50:26] I was backup point guard in Golden State, and now they are gonna bring me here, and I am sixth string? -- first(second, third,etc.) string: 第N强人或物。此处就是第六强的PG source: http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/six%20string
[50:37] The Rockets picked him up. That was probably the bottom of the barrel for him. -- bottom of the barrel:最差的选择
[50:44] He was standing at the door, and he had tears in his eyes, because, um..., because the pressure was really getting to him. -- get to sb.: 对某人产生影响(e.g. 烦恼, 生气,压力等)
[53:53] I pretty much saw the writing on the wall. I was like, "I am pretty much done." -- the writing on the wall源自《伯沙撒的盛宴》,意思表示表示不祥之兆。背景:古巴比伦国王Belshazar(伯沙撒)在宫殿里设宴纵饮时,忽然看到一个神秘的手指在王宫墙上写看不懂的文字,后来,国王叫到虏囚犹太预言家Daniel(但以理)才搞明白,墙上的字表示“大难临头”。如预言所示,伯沙撒当夜被杀,新国王由玛代人大利乌继任。
[54:00] I was pretty much resigned to the fact that I was gonna let go. -- resign (oneself) to sth.: 听任,顺其自然。
[58:21] That was such a higher high than like anything he's done. So I was like ecstatic at that point. The second half, he just went nuts.-- ecstatic: 极度高兴的; go nuts: go crazy 发疯了
[58:54] He was stringing together three crossovers in a row. Like, things he's never done before. -- string together sth.:把某物联成串。此处指连续3次胯下运球。
[01:02:21] I am riding him like friggin' Secretariat. -- Secretariat:美国历史上著名的一只竞赛种马。美国三冠马王。死后解剖发现它的心脏是正常马的三倍大。

[01:03:01] It happens to be D'antoni who is coaching here, whose offense is tailor-made for me. -- tailor-made:量身定做的
[01:05:33] Lin: If I don't do laundry now, I won't do laundry when I am married. Fact. Sister-in-law: You guys are brats. -- brat: a spoiled person.
[01:07:10] Reporter: Would you consider guarding him if he's having one of those games? Kobe: (laughed) Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. -- get ahead of ourselves:想得太远
[01:10:01] Just because that game had so much hype. And that 3-pointer was kind of the dagger that put the game out of reach for them. -- hype:大肆宣传, 在这里翻译为"关注度"高更合适; dagger: 匕首
[01:17:11] He has handled everything very well, as you said, unflappable. But if there is a chink in the armor, where can Lin improve his game? -- unflappable:冷静的,镇定的;chink in the armor:弱点。背景: chink指裂缝,本意是盔甲的缝隙,进而引申指弱点,缺陷。但chink这个词后来由于美国人对华人的种族歧视而蔑指中国人(亚洲人眼睛普遍较小,chink指小裂缝),所以用这个习语形容林书豪是大忌讳。结果事后这个评论员Anthony Federico也被ESPN解雇。Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chink_in_one%27s_armor
[01:21:20] But that New Jersey game when things were rolling, for the first time, he was just like, having fun, living his dream. -- rolling: =start; living one's dream:梦想成真 = living the dream
[01:23:10] It's only a couple of weeks. But in New York City, and on basketball's big stage, this guy has hit it out of the park. -- hit it out of the park: doing extraordinarily well.
[01:23:29] And some of those experiences out there, when I was on the court, I felt like I was controlled by something else. I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. -- out-of-body experience: 灵魂出窍